
Showing posts from 2022

Electric Cars by 2030? Biggest Bait and Switch Ever Planned.

  "The masses have never thirsted after truth. They demand illusions." Sigmund Freud People know what "bait and switch" refers to, right? I mean, it essentially means you sell someone on one thing, but then, when the promise is to be delivered, you substitute it with something else.  It is a classic form of manipulation, and it is what the wealthy rulers of the west are doing in reference to the "transition to electric cars." Currently, liberal governors and even Biden have targeted gas-fueled cars - usually setting the goal of 2030 - 2035 as the goal for Americans to switch to electric cars. They create an illusion in the public mind that America's love for cars will continue, just with a new means of powering them.  Of course they know they are lying, but they hope that in a decade or so they can lure people with the dream of such a change - and then? Well, then it will be too late. The wealthy, of course, will drive electric cars. Yet their vision ...

Nuclear War is Not an Option, Now or Ever.

  Ronald Reagan..."A nuclear war can never be won and must never be fought." Imagine, you are getting up for work, and as you struggle to wake up, you hear a loud noise, akin to thunder. You find that odd, as it was supposed to be a gorgeous day. You open the curtains and the weather looks great, sunshine, blue sky and all. You sort of forget the sound, but then you notice the electricity isn't working. You look out the kitchen window and to your horror, a mushroom cloud, way off over the city, your destination for work that day, is rising into the sky.  You realize life as you have always known it is over.  A few years ago I interviewed noted physician Dr. Helen Coldicott, who has made it a mission to warn people of the dangers of nuclear weapons, as well as the notion that a nuclear war could be won. Today's headlines surrounding Ukraine warrent revisiting her warnings. What I found most intriguing about Dr. Coldicott’s interview was her observation that there are m...

Too Many Have Bought Into The Left's Self-Destructive Mindset.

  "Even if we are spared destruction by war, our lives will have to change if we want to save life from self-destruction."  Alexander Solzhetitsyn What does a guy trying to persuade his wife/girlfriend to have a threesome with another woman, a couple deciding not to have children and a person consumed with guilt eating to the point of obesity have in common? Well, Sigmund Freud may have had the answer when he proposed his theory of Thanatos; the death-wish hidden in humans which can propel either a person or a society towards self-destruction. Western society in general, and American society in particular, appear committed to proving Freud correct. We can deal with the three examples, but first we should examine Freud's theory in more detail. Freud came up with this idea while observing millions of men marching off to WW1. He became pessimistic watching Europe destroy its best and brightest young people and proposed that, along with the instinct to survive, humans also ha...

Can We Restore Faith in Faiths After Corona?

"I'm not upset that you lied to me. I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you." Friedrich Nietzsche One of the casualties of the Corona policies since 2020 has been, sadly, trust in orgainized religion. There are a variety of reasons for this, and unless we face them honestly, it could take decades to restore faith organizations to their previous role in society. So why did religion take such a hit during the lockdowns? Perhaps the perception of impotence, not against a pathogen, but rather oppressive policies by local and national government bodies. As we saw when Pope John Paul stood up against communist tyranny, people rallied against the power of the state - a state that had for decades sought to repress religion, or at least subjugate it for its own ends.  Faith took down communism in Europe. Faith in eastern Europe and Russia is far stronger than in western Europe. This may be a big reason why. So what did we see when governments pushed lockdowns, mask...

Are the 2030s the Decade of More Kitty Cats and Sperm Donor Families?

  “The trend of opinion of eugenicists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly, no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now, it would no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person who is eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.”   Nikola Tesla   Inventor Nikola Tesla predicted that in a century, the values of his above quote would be the norm.   And while eugenics itself was given a bad name due to the horrors of WW2, we may very well be entering an age where Tesla’s prediction will come true. How? In a subtle way due to economic and social patterns.  Economics drives culture.   When humans mastered agriculture, it allowed for those men who amassed the most resources to marry additional women, thus advancing their genetic legacy.   Poorer men often had less opportunities to find mates, and this in large part explains why 80% of women, but only 40% of men in h...

The Psychosis of Those Who Want to Ban Your Right to Speech.

  "The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge to conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation." Dr. Alfred Adler "If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of."               Jordan Peterson You may wonder what freedom of speech has to do with the observations of two psychologists in reference to people with weak self, or ego, personalities.  Actually, in light of what is going on in our nation today, it has everything.   You see, the people who are afraid to let others speak their minds, and who view destruction of the 1st Amendment as a positive political outcome, are motivated by deep-seated neurosis that often borders, if not crosses, into psychosis.  When the foundations they have built to give their weak psyches meaning are questioned, they erupt in verbal and/or physical hostility. And we know how far such people are w...

How They Will Reduce Humans by 95%

(Pic source below)  " Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature ." Georgia Guidestones   When people read this goal on the Georgia Guidestones they often are perplexed as to how, without a major cateclysm. you could erradicate 95% of the world's population. Yet it is more than plausible that they could reach this goal, without having to resort to brute force. How? If they are patient, here is a strategy, set forth in a fictional encounter between a social engineer and his young apprentice. Social engineer (SE): "Well, you have looked over our plans to save earth and restore it to a sustainable population of half a billion. What do you think?" Apprentice (A): "It is rather comprehensive. I had no idea this is what my family was preparing me for all these years." SE: "Yes, they have been part of our network for centuries." A: "I still don't get it, how can we get so many young women to not want children? I me...

How Those in Power Manipulate the Masses into Conformity.

                                                       Two percent of the people think, three percent of the people think they think, and ninty-five percent of the people would rather die than think.   George Bernard Shaw   Those who control the media, academia, the corporate world and government often weaponize our survival instincts and basic human nature against us.   For instance, humans require sex in order to reproduce, but media dangles images in front of us to entice the purchase of products that have nothing to do with sex, much less reproduction. In the same way, those in power use the human trait of bonding and support to manipulate us using a psycho-sociological strategy called “social learning theory.” So, what is social learning theory? It is a concept based on the how humans learn to behave in a social context. ...

Why Didn't Those in Power Promote Healthy Living? Was There an Agenda?

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”   John F. Kennedy  One of the oddest aspects of the Corona pandemic was the utter absence of any meaningful health measures designed to improve people’s health and natural immunity.  One may ask why that was, why the nations of the western world, particularly the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, with skyrocketing obesity rates, not only placed full effort into masking, lockdowns and shots, but did nothing to promote healthy lifestyles. Certainly, the greatest irony of all regarding this epidemic. To the contrary, in areas with strict lockdowns, the weight gain, especially in younger populations, was enormous. And sad to say, weight gain slows overall metabolism down, thus making it harder for people to get up off the couches and exercise to lose the weight.   This may be a public health crisis only in its early ...

How the Left Weaponized Sexuality to Undermine Western Society

  "Sexually awakened women, affirmed and recognized as such, would mean the complete collapse of the authoritarian ideology"     Wilhelm Reich If the 19th Century was one in which people placed their faith in rational debate, thought and persuasion based on such, the 20th Century saw that replaced by trust in emotions, feelings, and persuasion.  And we are seeing the results of that today, especially within the younger female population of western culture.  So how did this occur, and what are the implications? Okay, first of all, the guy who got people to recognize the importance of the sub-conscious and irrational feelings in human behavior was Sigmund Freud.  He, likes Thomas Hobbes, believed that civilization was based on the vulnerable proposition that repression of violent or sexual impulses must be maintained, for the betterment of society. True, you had to trade freedom for a degree of control, but that was better than people having unrestrained...

Covid: A Religion for the Faithless Buried in Doubt and Confusion.

  Not that many people have heard of August Compte, but in between being in and out of mental institutions he wrote extensively on the mechanisms of society. He would later be recognized as the father of sociology. He was not religious, but he felt society needed a religion, something that transcended the individual in purpose. His idea? Create a secular substitute to unite the masses and give them meaning. His suggestion gained little traction, but now, in the first quarter of the 21st Century, perhaps a little virus is setting the stage for a new, secular, religion that worships a form of science, but nevertheless has the appearance of a religion.  Let's call our religion "follow the science." It is a vague title, but to its followers it is life itself. * In this new religion, the threat is akin to Satanic, or perhaps demonic, possession.  Yet in this case the virus is what can "possess" you at any time. Get too close to someone, don't take precautions, an...