Too Many Have Bought Into The Left's Self-Destructive Mindset.


"Even if we are spared destruction by war, our lives will have to change if we want to save life from self-destruction."  Alexander Solzhetitsyn

What does a guy trying to persuade his wife/girlfriend to have a threesome with another woman, a couple deciding not to have children and a person consumed with guilt eating to the point of obesity have in common? Well, Sigmund Freud may have had the answer when he proposed his theory of Thanatos; the death-wish hidden in humans which can propel either a person or a society towards self-destruction. Western society in general, and American society in particular, appear committed to proving Freud correct.

We can deal with the three examples, but first we should examine Freud's theory in more detail. Freud came up with this idea while observing millions of men marching off to WW1. He became pessimistic watching Europe destroy its best and brightest young people and proposed that, along with the instinct to survive, humans also had a portion of their psyche that tired of the struggle. In healthy individuals, it rarely can manifest itself, but in many people, and in group society, it can emerge if a positive view of the self and the heritage of a group or nation, gets pushed aside.

Okay, the examples given for consideration...

In the first, the guy wanting a threesome. He may consciuosly believe he merely wants to push the boundaries of experience. Fair enough. However, he may not recognize that he places his relationship at critical risk, thus endangering his ability to have children with his partner and carry on his genes.  His wife/girlfriend, even if she is into this, may start to question just how much her partner values their relationship. These seeds of doubt may grow to her leaving him, even if they don't actually go through with it. However, if they do succeed, there are many cases in which a woman may fall in love with the other woman and seek to establish a lesbian relationship. Either way, the guy flirts with possible genetic extinction.

Some might say he is just a perv, or he likes playing with fire, but often the inner workings of the sub-conscious can be far more complicated.

Check out my discussion on society's march to destruction and also subscribe: 

Then there are the men and women who do form relationships, but then decide they can skip having kids. They can rationalize this through saying their decision is based on "Saving the earth" or "How can someone bring a child into a world like this?" Regardless of their rationalizations, they are applying Thanatos to their family, cultural and genetic lines. This can be seen especially in blue-state,urban liberal populations. 

Skipping reproduction = breaking the chain of countless generations of sacrifice, thus an act of destruction aimed at the self and one's ancestors. 

What does obesity have to do with self destruction? Well, a former secretary of agriculture once noted that many people were eating their way to an early grave.  In addition, obesity in women can lead to infertility, complications if pregnancy does occur and problems for the child.  There is the hypothesis that the decrease in teen pregnancy may be less connected to behavior and more due to weight making it more difficult to conceive. As for the individual, obesity is often linked to either depression or not believing in an internal locus of control, thus "What can I do?" becomes a theme of the psyche. Of course the notion of Thanatos would suggest a subconscious desire for self-destruction, but it is difficult to determine the motivation for poor health practices. Nevertheless, obesity is associated with decline in longevity.

So how does this relate to modern society as a whole? Well, any study of psychology or sociology will note that the ideal is to promote stable, married couples who will bring children into the world and raise them in a secure environment. Yet what society today promotes is totally against this foundational principle. We see an admiration for consumerism that pits family goals against goodies. Why settle down during your fertile years (in regards to women) when you can "live life" and shoot for career goals, and experiencing sex and sexuality in all its forms, with as many people as you want? Just take precautions and you can devote your life to the corporation and party in your free time. You can always find time for a long-lasting relationship in your late 30s...maybe 40s...? Women can still get pregnant then, right? No matter, let's, as a society, keep the drinks coming at the nightclubs and experience all life has to offer...except the continuation of life. Sex is to be experienced, and reproduction? Well, maybe later. 

A society that promotes the latter is on its way to death.  As for men? We see a growing trend of young men substituting other activities for actual relationships. Many don't care for their bodies and just give up. And while not all are living in their mom's basement in their 30s, the lack of drive, personal growth and desire for commitment can exist even if they do have employment and live on their own. 

Lately, during the time Biden and Democrat governors said they were trying to protect health with lockdowns and manditory vaccines, the overall effect of shutting churches, gyms and imposing restrictions on outdoor activities seemed as if it were designed to kill the zest for life and self improvement.  Never did we hear that we should exercise more, get in ideal physical shape or eat right. In fact, sometimes that was condemned as being "right wing." It is as if the policies had less to do with health and more for control, or even destruction of the population's will to actually live life. In effect, the Democrats appeared to illustrate Freud's theory, when applied to society. Of course, there were ample examples of them not conforming to their own rules, but hey, do they consider themselves part of the regular population anyway?

So as many look at what is going on in our society today and ask why people are marching off the proverbial cliff, perhaps Freud can explain their behavior after all. 


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