How the Left Weaponized Sexuality to Undermine Western Society


"Sexually awakened women, affirmed and recognized as such, would mean the complete collapse of the authoritarian ideology"    Wilhelm Reich

If the 19th Century was one in which people placed their faith in rational debate, thought and persuasion based on such, the 20th Century saw that replaced by trust in emotions, feelings, and persuasion.  And we are seeing the results of that today, especially within the younger female population of western culture.  So how did this occur, and what are the implications?

Okay, first of all, the guy who got people to recognize the importance of the sub-conscious and irrational feelings in human behavior was Sigmund Freud.  He, likes Thomas Hobbes, believed that civilization was based on the vulnerable proposition that repression of violent or sexual impulses must be maintained, for the betterment of society. True, you had to trade freedom for a degree of control, but that was better than people having unrestrained sex, stealing from your neighbor, or other nasty possibilities. By every measure Freud was a conservative and felt that maintaining civilization was vital.

On the other hand Freud had a student, Wilhelm Reich, who also understood that social foundations depended on traditional morals and repression of sub-concious impulses. However, as he was a socialist, he believed the best way to undermine western society, which he saw as authoritarian, was to unleash the "primitive" urges and therefore remove the foundations of the society. After this was accomplished, then a utopia could be established.

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Okay, so what does all that mean? Well, if one wants to destroy the faith and authority of, let's say, Christianity, it was recognized by him that arguing theology was not going to get you anywhere; I mean, such debates raged for centuries with negativity to religion making little progress. He felt you turn the powers of creation, or as he would say sexual yearnings, against the religion, therefore pitting a young person against the "enemy" ideology standing in the way of having fun.

So let's say you have a young woman who wants to have sex with a friend at school. She is a devout member of her church, a church that says fornication and adultery are wrong. If you aim your propaganda at liberating her sexuality, guess what force will win according to Reich? The same could be true of any number of activities that her religion might say are wrong, such as masturbation, or looking at or reading pornographic film/literature, lesbian sex, the list goes on. If you hammer the idea that your religion is there just to spoil your fun, then you develop a natural negativity to that institution.

To go a step further, and using women as the example, women are generally more empathetic than men. So even if a woman might not want to sleep with their best female friend who just came out to her parents, she will feel more compassion and a sense of wanting to protect her than to defend an abstract notion perpetuated by her religion. Here, if her friend is straight and accidentally gets pregnant with her boyfriend, the same mechanisms come into play in regards to abortion. Eventually the ties she has to her religion will be broken. She did not have to be sold on evolution or even Marxism, once she has had her ties to her church, as well as her "less enlightened" family, she is open to new connections, new causes, new ways of seeing the dynamics of male-female interaction, social institutions (marriage) and family goals. 

In such a society women might even start seeing men in a negative light. If her teachers/professors tell her that history is all about oppression (read the intro to The Communist Manifesto) then she will be on-guard against men who look traditional - the kind that say they want a wife, kids and dog.  Deep down she might want such a future, but she will not be attracted to men that remind her of her father.  This of course leaves her vulnerable to men who just want to use her, especially in her fertile years, and then go on to other quests. Of course such males will leave her even more bitter, and she will blame the men who are not that way as she lumps the nice guys and the users together.  She may even become like the male users just to make everything even. Have we seen this played out in recent years? You bet.

So how can one combat this at the individual level?  Perhaps the most important strategy with your own children is to teach them the importance of someday becoming parents themselves. How early? Teach from day one. Sadly, what used to be taken for granted both as a biological and societal certainty, that of young people yearning to get married and having children, has been replaced with a war against tradition, reproduction and stability. The messages noted earlier in this article pervade society (movies, children's TV, public education and increasingly American churches). I have know many people who stayed free of drugs in school because they were scared of the effects they could have on their future children. Young people need reasons to adopt your values in all things than you just telling them. They need to be able to weigh their choices towards their ultimate dreams.

I mentioned the weakness of American religion (overall).  Many conservative churches have been trying to mix modernity with their traditional beliefs. It doesn't work. Reich would be the first to note that if you tell your kids to delay marriage, put off children for whatever reasons, and be positive to modernity, you will ensure that both young and older people alike will eventually gravitate to what makes the ego or self feel good.  Yet many religious leaders are akin to captains on a boat who are willing to compromise with someone wanting to punch some little holes in the bottom in hopes such a compromise will prevent them from wanting to make bigger holes. Problem is, the boat will still sink, maybe just a little later than if big holes were made.  Of course, the captain should just kick the vandal out of the boat, but many captains are afraid of being called insensitive, backward or any other favorite left-leaning terms if they would.

The ultimate irony is that with all this left-wing "modernity" women especially, but men as well, are far less happy than they were in the 1950s when marriage and having children was at its apex in the USA. Yet do those in charge of our media, entertainment, government, schools, and yes, even churches, take note and try to reverse the path to cultural suicide? No. At best they choose silence, at worse they double-down in support of this transition to something even Reich would have said has gone too far. It is as if they all on the same page with advancing the agenda.


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