The Psychosis of Those Who Want to Ban Your Right to Speech.


"The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge to conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation." Dr. Alfred Adler

"If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of."              Jordan Peterson

You may wonder what freedom of speech has to do with the observations of two psychologists in reference to people with weak self, or ego, personalities.  Actually, in light of what is going on in our nation today, it has everything.  

You see, the people who are afraid to let others speak their minds, and who view destruction of the 1st Amendment as a positive political outcome, are motivated by deep-seated neurosis that often borders, if not crosses, into psychosis.  When the foundations they have built to give their weak psyches meaning are questioned, they erupt in verbal and/or physical hostility. And we know how far such people are willing to go to safeguard their fragility, and how easily they get triggered before lashing out.

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To clarrify, their foundational beliefs are clustered into egos that have either been crushed by mental illness, or lack of a sense of true identity reinforced by reaching for positive goals, and personal self-development.  They feel crushed by the world, but rather than strive and develop a will to power, they incorporate a cult-like devotion to what some have labeled "the current thing." And that almost always is associated with left-wing ideas. However, to be clear, they are not the revolutionaries fighting against international corporations in remote jungles of the planet, these people are, in reality, a product of corporate conditioning today. These people are not champions of the working class, they abhor the working class. They instead become pawns of the very ruling class they think they fight against. Their blind obedience to corporate media, especially social media, would be the envy of Mao at the height of the Cultural Revolution. 

Such people are quite maliable. They can adapt overnight to take on whatever the TV, or other media entities, tell them to do. During the pandemic, they loyally wore their masks and took their shots. And if you even questioned one aspect of their mindset, such as lockdowns, they screamed that you were killing grandma and you were evil. Sometimes they would call those who questioned the narrative "serial killers." In their world they bathed in a sense of moral superiority, which is common with those who deep down recognize their inferiority.  The more they lashed out, the more righteous they felt. 

So when Corona waned as a focus of TV, Ukraine became the new Corona.  These people became unquestioning pawns of what must be the largest propaganda campaign in history. And in their minds there is no contradiction in feeling like they are disciples of peace, while cheering on the military-industrial complex. It doesn't have to make sense, in fact the more contradictory their stands, the more superior these people perceive themselves to be.

So how does this play out with regard to free speech? Well, when you question them, they feel like you are threatening their world view, and the foundation of their very being.  If you bring up anything that contradicts what they see as "the current thing" they want you silenced.  You threaten the unity they have with others in their imagined collective mass of virtuous saviors of mankind.  You become an enemy of the state, a term used by the likes of Stalin to murder millions of innocent Russians, but silencing you is worth whatever is necessary to shut you up. And one wonders how many would lust for those who find issue with them to be send to die in gulags.

With the fragility of many people in today's society, a society that has done its best to destroy traditional institutions which create psychological strength in people, such as family, faith and identity with one's culture, we see the face of the mob labeling free speech as dangerous.  They call on the billionaire class that owns social media and what has evolved into corporate-state entertainment and news, to silence those they disagree with. The ideas they don't like cannot be debated or argued as they believe they possess the truth, and anything else is fake and must be crushed for the good of the collective. Ideas are dangerous, creativity must be monitored, and political identity must be forced on the children; and the younger the better. 

Of course there is no grand vision, no utopia, and this also separates them from traditional revolutionaries.  Their war is to sit and wait for new targets to lash out at. Even posting in social media how exercise is great for health can get one attacked as being insensitive to those who are obese.  This is probably why, even though obesity was a major factor in Corona becomming life threatening if one contracted it, as opposed to being healthy and fit, American health and political leaders rarely discussed the advantages of exercise and healthy lifestyles to safeguard against Corona.  People get scared to be targeted by the woke mob, thus knowledge that might very well facilitate healthier living, that might encourage people to take personal actions to remain healthy, was not encouraged. So how many might die in the future because our culture self-censors positive lifestyles? How much confusion is being thrown at our children when even basic concepts are disputed by "woke" teachers or administrators? 

Just like with any members of a cult, one can reach out to them. Find some sort of common ground and then ask them questions - this gives them a sense of control, thus they don't shut off and lash out, at least many don't. Help them see reality as it is, not the false dicotomy presented by American media oligarchs. Help them see how the media doesn't care for them, how universities have cheated them, how government is only there to control and manipulate. In this way you can convert them, not through fights and insults. And once they see reality for what it is, they could make life choices that will enable them to improve themselves and perhaps marry and raise children. 

For those too comfortable in their bubble of negativity and authoritarian lust? That will depend on how we can preserve our economic and cultural ties as a nation. History teaches us just how brutal those who reduce the personhood of their oppenents can become if they take power. 


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