How They Will Reduce Humans by 95%

(Pic source below) 

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." Georgia Guidestones


When people read this goal on the Georgia Guidestones they often are perplexed as to how, without a major cateclysm. you could erradicate 95% of the world's population. Yet it is more than plausible that they could reach this goal, without having to resort to brute force. How? If they are patient, here is a strategy, set forth in a fictional encounter between a social engineer and his young apprentice.

Social engineer (SE): "Well, you have looked over our plans to save earth and restore it to a sustainable population of half a billion. What do you think?"

Apprentice (A): "It is rather comprehensive. I had no idea this is what my family was preparing me for all these years."

SE: "Yes, they have been part of our network for centuries."

A: "I still don't get it, how can we get so many young women to not want children? I mean, that is what we are designed for by God."

SE: You mean "gods."

A: "Sorry."

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SE: "Okay, Take a look at Italy. Only a few decades ago the average women married young and had five or sex children. Now they marry older, if at all, and have one child on average."

A: "Okay, but Italy is a tiny percentage of the world population. Many men live at home until their late 30s. So what about highly religious, traditional societies in, for instance, Islamic nations?"

SE: "You are forgetting, Italy was once very religious, now they are secular, at least in their world outlook. If we can change Italy, we can change any nation. Heck, look at the Mormons, they traveled across the plains to be able to practice polygamy, and have scores of children, and now their birthrate is below replacement and dropping, just like Italy's."

A: "I was not aware of that. Yet maybe that is due to people going to school longer, women wanting careers and the high cost of housing."

SE: (laughs) "Those are covered in our plans you read.  In addition, land use restrictions we have increased housing costs in urban and surrounding areas. Want a job? You can't live in northern Alaska. And we have been using social learning theory concepts in media to convince young women to spend years in school getting relatively worthless degrees, because 'that is what you are supposed to do.' They graduate in heavy debt and have to work two low-paying jobs to live and pay off their loans. By the time they might be ready to settle down and have children, they only have a window of opportunity of a few years left. And that is if we have not already convinced them children are a mere burden."

A: "Okay, but what of the lower classes, the prolitariate? They don't have as high of opportunity costs with their lower-end jobs to take time for children."

SE: "That is where automation comes in. Soon the low-skilled will not only be unemployed, but unemployable. They will be a useless class that loses any hope for the future. Unlikely they will want to reproduce."

A:"But then they will revolt, right?"

SE: "No they will not. We will provide them with virtual reality, a metaverse that will be incredibly addicting, sex robots, and a guaranteed universal income that will meet their basic needs, but no more. They, especially men, will live most of their lives for pleasure in a world of our design. They can live out their most outragious sexual fantasies with the perfect women, or men, or anything else they choose. Why would they want anything else? Reality and responsibility will no longer appeal to them."

A: "Okay, that takes out most young men, but there will be women that want children anyway, even if it is only one. What about them?"

SE: "Simple, we program the lower classes to want consumer goods and status rather than families. We will continue to use social influences online and in media to distract them during their fertile years just as we have already been doing."

A:"Yet we will need some we cannot live without professionals, engineers and the like."

SE: "Good point. Those women who do adapt, those with higher IQ and physical health, will be encouraged to turn to sperm banks where they will be inseminated by the best and brightest. They will be given more economic benefits and a form of matriarchy will develop where women will either marry other women or form poly-amorous relationships for emotional support as well as help raising children, not to mention sex."

A: "What about those of us who prefer men?"

SE: "Then polygamy, assuming the man is of superior genetics. However, we have been working overtime to overcome traditional social norms that facilitated male-female bonding. In a short time most women will no longer identify as one thing or another. And as genetic engineering becomes more advanced, most women will not even want to give birth to male children. By the way, we already know how to screen out male sperm."

A: "Impressive, but I still want to marry a man."

SE: "You will, as will most of our social class. Remember, there will be three societies, one which is educated and possesses good genes. We shall rule from behind the scenes. The second class will be the professionals. They too will be of good genetics. Most of them will live the way we have all along. And lastly, the unemployable class, the one we shall distract and lead them to their own demise."

A: "Who will be in the military or the police?"

SE: Who needs biological humans for that task? We will soon have robots that look like us so much you won't be able to distinguish them from a real person."

A: "I don't know, somehow it feels I will be sacrificing my soul by taking part in this.

SE: "As Machievelli said, a leader, or by extension the enlightened class, must be willing to sacrifice our souls for the benefit of the nation, or in this case the world. But don't worry my idealistic one, you will not be accountable. We make sure that we place warnings in media and other communication sources. If they are too dumb to not recognize them, they still made the choice and we hold absolutely no accountability for their actions."

A: (Sighs) "So what about the people who do rebel?"

SE: "That requires intelligence. Who do you think we will integrate into our professional classes? And those who don't want that? They can farm and such. I actually admire those who can see through our propaganda as it has been designed by our most learned psychologists and sociologists. So they will get to share the world with us."

A: "Okay, that seems fair. So when do I start?

SE: "You already have."

`Picture source:,_Elbert_County,_GA,_US_(05).jpg


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