Electric Cars by 2030? Biggest Bait and Switch Ever Planned.


"The masses have never thirsted after truth. They demand illusions." Sigmund Freud

People know what "bait and switch" refers to, right? I mean, it essentially means you sell someone on one thing, but then, when the promise is to be delivered, you substitute it with something else.  It is a classic form of manipulation, and it is what the wealthy rulers of the west are doing in reference to the "transition to electric cars."

Currently, liberal governors and even Biden have targeted gas-fueled cars - usually setting the goal of 2030 - 2035 as the goal for Americans to switch to electric cars. They create an illusion in the public mind that America's love for cars will continue, just with a new means of powering them.  Of course they know they are lying, but they hope that in a decade or so they can lure people with the dream of such a change - and then? Well, then it will be too late.

The wealthy, of course, will drive electric cars. Yet their vision is not to share the roads with the middle class or poor, not a chance.  And here is their plan:

1) Convince the change is going to happen, and that there is no stopping it. This creates an expectation the end of the internal combustion engine is inevitable. And just to help, make laws that are far enough away that people don't really react. If you said you gas cars would be illegal to sell next year, you would have riots. If you say it will be in 2035, it's like saying you will have a robot house cleaner.  It is an abstract concept in most people's minds.

2) Continue with policies already started by Biden to restrict oil extraction, thus making all energy more expensive. This causes people to rethink such recreation as road trips, or taking the car to go to the mountains or beach so often. It starts making driving an inconvenience on the pocket book. You associate negativity with what used to be fun and positive.

3) Phase out gas stations.  You see how they are just removing ATM machines if something goes wrong. They plan on eventually having a cashless society.  Same will be done with gas stations through zoning or other regulations.

4) Have the media promote the idea that electric cars are getting more affordable.  This eases people's anxieties they are not going to be able to afford such cars.  

The elite know that we don't have an electrical grid that can support over 300 million electric cars.  And even if we did have such a power infrastructure, where would the electricity come from? Doubtful you can build enough coal and nuclear plants to fill the need. So what will happen? Cars will be expensive, electricity will be expensive, and even if people then protest, the infrastructure for the gas-powered automobile will have been destroyed. There will be no going back.

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So what is the actual vision of the so-called elite? Pretty easy to find out, they don't make it a secret. When they say zero emissions they mean it.  They plan on drastically curtailing meat production, thus making it something only the rich can afford, or the middle class for special occasions.  They plan on relocating people from low population density areas to mega-cities, and once there, the only way they can visit nature is through public transportation options, or you can just use virtual reality to visit the mountains. And cars? Yes, the rich will drive, no problem.  The great highway systems our nation has built since the days of Eisenhower will still give them access to nature, or to their homes in the countryside. And you won't bother them in the least. In fact, some policy papers have proposed closing down public airports. Guess that will limit trips to Asia and Europe, huh?

So yes, eventually we will transition to new forms of transportation, but that can be stretched for decades to come, without stressing the environment, nor destroying a vital part of our economy, not to mention our ability to be able to travel.  And never forget, the "green movement" is not about the environment, it is either corporate entities trying to profit, or government entities wanting to have more control.  You may ask, why do they want to do this? What god does it do them? Well, it's control. Just like we now know Corona lockdowns were not based on any evidence of benefit, many states and western governments enacted the policies, and even kept them after it was shown not to be effective. It was just power, the same power a cat feels when it torments its prey before finally killing it.  Some people just like the feeling of being able to make millions of people obey them.  

So overall, if people don't educate people, vote the people promoting this agenda out, and make certain the "ban gas cars" movement is not allowed to go through with these plans, then they will achieve their goals. 


  1. The lust for power is stronger than any drug for morally depraved power mongers engulfed in their own egos


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