How Those in Power Manipulate the Masses into Conformity.


Two percent of the people think, three percent of the people think they think, and ninty-five percent of the people would rather die than think.  George Bernard Shaw


Those who control the media, academia, the corporate world and government often weaponize our survival instincts and basic human nature against us.  For instance, humans require sex in order to reproduce, but media dangles images in front of us to entice the purchase of products that have nothing to do with sex, much less reproduction. In the same way, those in power use the human trait of bonding and support to manipulate us using a psycho-sociological strategy called “social learning theory.”

So, what is social learning theory? It is a concept based on the how humans learn to behave in a social context. It is actually quite simple. Humans from day one learn how to behave by observing those around them.  As they interact with others they are given positive reinforcement for displaying actions and beliefs that conform to what the majority of people find desirable. If they act outside the norms of their society then they are denied positive social approval, ignored or punished. In this way people conform within the parameters of their culture.

So how is this used to wage war against such things as family, the most basic goal of humans to form since humans began?  Let’s say you discuss family with young women today. You get many saying this:

·         “I want kids someday, but I think I will adopt.”

·         “I don’t want to settle down when I am young. I would like to experience the world, and travel and such.”

·         “Marriage is so complicated nowadays, maybe it isn’t important.”

·         “The world is way too overpopulated. It is selfish to have kids.”

·         “I want a career before I settle down.”

·         “I am not sure if I want to be with a man or women exclusively.”

·         “How do you know who the right one is unless you experience a lot of relationships?”

So why the societal shift away from marriage, family and tradition? Most people would merely reply that it’s just a sign of the times, or such. This is not true.  These young women have been raised on a steady stream of messages that present an illusion of glamour for young women in movies and TV series where children are a complication for women and perpetually single women are able to find excitement and adventure with handsome, yet usually unavailable men, and, at least in recent years sometimes a gorgeous woman.

To illustrate how powerful this theory is when applied there have been quite a few articles on how television has played an enormous role in reducing the birth rate in Catholic Latin American nations. I watched a presentation given to a university audience by someone involved in this shift.  What his organization does is work with writers and directors around the world to affect what they see as positive changes in perceptions of marriage and family ideals. In summation, you present women delaying marriage, as well as having small families, while maybe a traditionalist (parents, husband…) who want to have a larger family in a negative light. As most people emotionally relate to the characters they see in TV shows they begin to adopt the behavioral norms presented as if they were actually living in that community. Eventually what is on TV becomes a sub-conscious reference to how real-life should operate.

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Another application of this theory is when the Biden administration was desperate to reach people with the pro-vaccine and mask agenda. An important aspect of the theory is that we don’t have time to analyze every issue in our lives, so people turn to trusted sources for guidance. Biden enlisted his faith-based initiative to persuade first, clergy and religious leaders. The hope was these leaders would encourage their flocks to conform to “help our neighbors stay healthy” and be good global citizens. Many members of various religions had doubts about this agenda but complied because they trusted their leaders to steer them in the right direction. So, Biden played on people’s trust, empathy and desire to do right, to fit his overall agenda. Manipulation? You bet.

So how does one resist the natural tendency to follow the herd? You can’t completely, but there are ways to strengthen resistance to it.  I had a psychology professor in college who, when watching TV with the family, had the kids note the manipulation strategies in commercials. This planted the seed for these children to question what would be fed to them by advertisers or government propaganda. Another important strategy is to read up on how psychology is used by corporations, governments, etc. to manipulate you. Once you see how it works, you will be able to identify the tactics – try to have patience with those around you as you may sound somewhat crazy to them until they too know how it works. And on that point, try to educate others. Once those around you, or in your social media, start the journey they too will be far less vulnerable to manipulation. 

The Bible says to be as wise as serpents – the symbolism of the serpent was often associated with wisdom, but often being both good and bad, depending on its use. So yes, the more you learn, the more you could manipulate others, but hopefully those reading this will use their knowledge for positive outcomes.


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