Why Heterosexuality is Declining in Generation Z, Especially in Women

"I'm just saying that when things change this much, this fast, people are allowed to ask what's up with that?"         Bill Maher

Recent polls show an incredible increase in young people no longer identifying as heterosexual.  Around a quarter of Gen. Z identifies as trans, gay, gender queer, lesbian, pan-sexual and a number of other non-heterosexual categories.  And the rate is much higher in young women, so maybe a third of young women have shifted away from a traditional category? Why is this? Let's explore a few reasons why this has occured.

First, let's make reference to the Salem Witch Trials. You may ask what that has to do with today. Well, Sigmund Freud discussed what he called "Social Contagion" (I know, during Corona media called that a new "conspiracy theory" yet Freud wrote about it in 1921).  He noted that when one person displays an emotion those around them connect and start to feel the same emotion.  So in reference to trans ideology that is sweeping young female populations (in certain parts of the country) if a girl starts to question if she is indeed a girl, her peer group may begin to question their own identity. And if one has public school teachers who intervene and facilitate their confusion, it can lead to these girls creating a new emotional identity. If they start hormone treatments they can feel validated (something most young women desperately desire) and break ties with parents or religious affiliations if they don't see such as supportive. Many will go all the way and have body parts removed to match the outward appearance they have morphed into.  Don't expect this to abate with pathetic religious responses to this trend, coupled with it being labeled the new civil rights quest of the 21st Century.

Okay, aside from trans, but not leaving Freud out, as many left-wing university psychology departments have tried to do since the 1980s, let us look at what he felt led to the vast majority of people then becoming heterosexual.  Without going too specific, he felt children, in healthy settings, created a desire to find a substitute for their opposite-sex parent. Yeah, look at couples at the department store and note how many look related. Anyway, that was not all. He also noted there was a natural instinct to reproduce. And lastly, society creates a set of norms for marriage and family as the ideal, or at least it used to.

So the biggest change in the last couple of generations has been the decline in society idealizing marriage.  In fact, if a woman wants to reproduce, and she has the resources to hire childcare or a nanny, she doesn't even need to marry, and the ones who are poor can turn to Uncle Sam to assist.  While the former might go to a fertility clinic, the latter usually reproduce the more conventional way. However, society has gone a step further in actually becoming somewhat hostile to reproduction. Sex? Go for it, but don't make babies. The ruling elite give many reasons not to reproduce, and flood people with insecurities as to if they would be good parents, or if having kids might interfere with one's "dreams." And if that doesn't work, there is always the guilt of destroying mother earth.  Ending one's family line and discontinuing their heritage has never been so popular.

So as reproduction has been divorced from sex, is it any wonder any and all sexual expression, aside from the goal to have a baby, are now so trendy? And there is no lack of reinforcement to do this - same-sex expression, especially with young women, can be heard in some celebrity interviews, and can be seen in music videos, movies, TV shows and in porn. One might be surprised what the most popular genre of porn is in young female populations today. Or maybe not? So no wonder so many young people, particularly young women, are throwing off the constraints, so to speak, of traditional norms of dating and marriage.

Now one must also note that up to half of young women who identify as bi or pan or gender queer are in relationships with males. Most of these will wind up in heterosexual marriages.  However, how will that shape their perceptions overall, both sexually as well as in politics and even religion? As for the others who do remain outside of the norms of marriage, what will that do to birthrates? Oh wait, maybe that was the goal of the powers behind the scenes in the first place?

The only institution that could hope to counter these trends (at the level of society) is organized religion, but aside from Islam, what church today is up for the hurt that comes from defending tradition?  This is a massive change in human perception, identity and behavior, and we shall see where society will be by the 2030s.  And don't forget how advances in virtual reality and robotics will affect this - but that will require a later discussion.  However, on a final note, we must remember that if we can maintain tradition in our families, build networks of like-minded people, and "be in the world but not of it" we can prevail, even if society proves the truth, "demographics is destiny."

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