How to Confront Someone Who Says, "Conservatives Are Banning Books!"


"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."  Marcus Aurelius

Traditionally, there has always been a line drawn between what adults can see or read and what children can see or read.  Our movie rating system distinguishes between general audiences, things that are a bit questionable for children, things that imply a parent can choose if an under-18 can watch something or not and things that only adults can view.  Not many have challenged the purpose behind ratings for decades. And libraries have also tended to have a sort-of unwritten rule governing what is appropriate for children, especially in grade schools.

Now the left has declared war on such standards.

Of course we can go over various battles over what is and isn't appropriate in school libraries or even what kinds of performances children should be exposed to.  However, why not deal with how to counter people who want children to be thrown into the pit of western decay?  It isn't that hard.

One strategy is, when someone posts something charging that conservatives are just "book burners" then merely agree (now wait for the rest) with them.  Say that children's libraries really ought to provide books like "50 Shades of Grey."  They may respond that this is not right, but then label them the "right wing" book banner.  This throws them off-balance.  Ask why kids should not have such literature.  Maintain your sarcastic approach to them - likely they have never been challenged on that front, they only expect put-downs from opponents, or praise from other liberals.  Generally they will delete their comments as they have no way to justify why kids should be exposed to sexually explicit books written for kids and books with adult oriented audiences in mind.

A second strategy is to ask them to share what they love about the books in question. Of course we have seen parents cause school board members to lose their minds when they read from such books in public. Often the SB chair will point out there could be children in the audience not realizing the irony of their statement - many such people are not that bright. Find an article about one of the books and share the link.  Often liberals will claim this is "fake news" even if it is well documented. Cognitive dissonance is a real thing with them.

Then there are drag shows for children. We have seen the examples of performances which should not have children in an audience. Liberals might claim men dressing as women has been around even in the early days of Hollywood. Well, yeah...but classic comedians did not inject highly charged sexual content into their routines, nor did they prance around stage with provocative attire.  Anyway, point that out to them. However, a great way to counter them is to ask if children should be taken to strip shows.  Again, pretend to support the idea and say many strippers are trained in dance (yes, many even studied in in college, but look where that took them). Claim it might help children understand the importance of body-positivity (a word liberals like to throw around) and fitness.  Of course after they have a melt-down on being called out in their double-standards and hypocricy you should note your true stance, but only after they are exposed.

The left likes the attention they get when people argue with them, it is sort of a validation.  Yet if you take their stances to logical extremes, or expose the absurdities, they have no way to challenge back.  As the scriptures say, we need to expose darkness. Be a flashlight on high beams when necessary. 

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