An Interview with Psychopaths Jeff and Anna. Pro-social v Anti-social Psychopathy

"Apparances are a glimpse of the unseen."  Anaxagoras

This is a hypothetical interview with Jeff, an anti-social psychopath serving prison time and Anna, a pro-social psychopath marketing director for a firm specializing in children's entertainment. Let us assume they are being totally honest as they assume nobody will know their true identities. 

Psychologist:  "Hello Jeff and hello Anna, sorry for the shackles Jeff, but your warden insisted. And Anna, I must say you are looking stunning as always. Thank you both for agreeing to meet today. It will advance my research into psychopathy. So Jeff, when did you first determine you were a psychopath?"

Jeff: "Well, as a child I never really fit in. People thought I was a dork or something, maybe because I could not understand emotions. I mean, one day my teacher told us her dog got hit by a car and I raised my hand and asked what the big deal was, as she could buy another dog. Later during recess I got beat up. I vowed to study human emotions from then on so as not to become a victim again."

Anna: "Wow, I can relate. When my grandmother died I knew I would miss her, she, after all, understood me more than anyone else. At the funeral, I was joking about the eulogy and my mom was furious. Afterwards she screamed at me and asked what was wrong with me. I just stared at her, confused and angry, but that was when I too vowed to learn how to mimic what people considered proper behavior."

Psychologist: "So how did that work out for you Anna, and Jeff?"

Anna: "Beautifully. I learned how to see when someone was sad or angry, or happy or whatever. I learned how to manipulate them rather than be a victim, as Jeff alluded to. I learned how to get better grades, even when I did not work for them. I never sexually seduced any teacher, though I knew how to. I didn't want the drama. However, I could seduce their minds, find what made them tick and become whatever student they desired. I wound up with several scholarships."

Jeff: "I hated school and let the teachers know it. Sure, I could have been the teacher's pet, like you appeared to be, but that was not my goal. I seduced every member of the rally squad, even the good Christian girls.  That was my goal. I even had a fling with a young, newlywed, math teacher. I didn't care about grades, I just liked the clothes she bought me and the money as she was terrified I might spill the beans and ruin her career and marriage."

Psychologist: "Speaking of sex, how do you see romance?"

Jeff: "If it feels good, do it. I have had so many sexual partners, well, before being imprisoned, and they were all gorgeous women.  I get easily bored, so I need lots of sex, and the more unconventional the better. Women love me and I can easily pretend to love them back, as long as I get what I need."

Anna: "How pathetic. I was a virgin until college.  I see sex as a challenge, and so only men, and sometimes women, who are at the top stimulate me.  And while I too get easily bored, I am able to use sex as a means to have fun, fill the void in my life, and yes I do feel something is missing in me and I seek it in others, and explore the world. Ironically, I always wind up in relationships with highly nurturing men. I have slept with others to get ahead academically and then financially, but the ones I feel are more valuable are the ones with big hearts. For instance, my husband is fantastic with our children. I like that. Yet my girlfriend, who is also my boss, is similar to me. We relate for not being able to relate.

Psychologist: "Interesting. As for business, how do you see your psychopathy as an advantage?"

Anna: "Wow, that is interesting. My job is to market to children, there is a lot of money in that, but I ban my three children from any children's networks.  They can watch classic cartoons, or older movies but none of the garbage out now.  My children are part of me, and I would kill anyone who threatened them. But if other parents don't care about what happens to their children then I will use all sorts of psychology to manipulate them, or should I say the parents. People are so stupid, so gullible, and easy to manipulate."

Jeff: "Never wanted to waste time on a family. I think I have a few children out there, in fact, that math teacher I told you about got pregnant while we were having that fling.  That kid might be mine, who knows? However, I agree with Anna, people are gullible. I cheated so many people until I got caught. I didn't care, I have the charm and charisma to get people to trust me. Sucks to be them, that is what I always say." 

Anna: "Speaking of jail, how is that sex life going for you?"

Jeff: "You little..."

Psychologist: "Wait, wait! Let's finish this on a positive note. So what are your plans for the future?"

Jeff: "Not sure. I have five years on my sentence, but with good behavior I could be out in less than half that time. I really don't have any goals, just will have to wait to see where fate takes me."

Anna: "I am not sure either.  I have been asked by a local congressman, who is going to run for senate, to run for his seat next year.  Focus groups my party has conducted show I have a captivating personality that would appeal to voters and I love public speaking.  Being a member of congress would be a dream-come-true. I will have power and influence and be set for life. Yet maybe eventually I will be in the senate, or even higher. 

Psychologist: "Interesting...the same personality disorder, but manifested in so different of ways. Still, a lack of the emotions most people possess, such as guilt, or empathy, or even love the way most people see it."

Jeff: "Ha! Love, empathy or guilt are weaknesses that hold you back. Life is a game, I'm in it to win."

Anna: "Gotta agree with Jeff there." 

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