
How Winning Boosts a Person's "Will to Power" (And How to Apply That to Political Victories)

  "The world is the will to power and nothing besides." Friedrich Nietzsche Some people mistake Nietzsche's quote as a call to crush any who stand in your way to when you have set a goal. No, it is a call for personal growth and becoming the best you can be.  You will only be fulfilled as a person if you can master yourself and your environment, And that can mean setting goals to become physically fit, have a strong family or stand up for your principles.  However, while this is mostly a factor of your personality and even soul, there is another extremely important component - a hormone called testosterone. Many people think testosterone is merely a male hormone that helps make muscles grow.  That is partly true.  Actually, men and women both make testosterone, though males have much higher levels.  And yes, it is very important in fitness and muscle development, but one factor people forget, even in regard to fitness, is that it is a motivational hormone....

Control the Food, Control the People. History Repeating Itself?

  "I think it would be wise to invite all the sportsman of England and America...for a grand buffalo hunt."   General William T. Sherman I noticed an article recently that Britain plans to phase out 10% of their farmland so they can reach "net zero" on carbon emissions.  The main target will be livestock as the claim goes that raising meat contributes to CO2 more than other forms of food production.  While these claims are allegedly based on science, perhaps the same science that said everyone needed Covid shots, lockdowns would save grandma and that there are 72 genders, and counting, maybe General Sherman would, if alive, recognize a totally different agenda at know, restrict food and you can restrict people. In what passes for teaching history in many US classrooms you were probably "taught" that the buffalo of the Great Plains were almost killed to extinction, but you were not told why. There are famous pictures of massive mounds of buffalo ...

Our Children Are in Danger And Many of Us Are Unaware How and Why.

  " In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. "  George Orwell  Some highly religious people say that we should just pray and read the scriptures and not learn of what, for instance, the media or public schools might be promoting within their agendas. However, you cannot protect yourselves or families if they are able to undermine your values under your cognitive radar. And while many people who support traditional values feel a relief that Trump was elected, the war for the souls of America's children is still being waged. It took a long time to undermine our values to the point they are now. Wait, what, you say? Your values have not budged? Okay, what is your reaction to extreme violence in a movie? When "The Great Train Robbery" was released in the early 20th Century, women would faint at mere depictions of shootings that showed no blood whatsoever. Think about the last film you saw that had a violent scene. Any fainting? Horror? Okay, ho...

They Want You to Forget Your Past So They Can Erase Your Future.

  " Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the  Lord  thy God giveth thee."   Exodus 20:12 "The most effective way to  destroy  people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history"                                                                                                                                                                 George Orwell "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots."   Alexander Solzhenitsyn What do you suppose the first three insights have in...

The Choice That May Prevent You From Ever Choosing Again.

  “It may be that we are puppets-puppets controlled by the strings of society. But at least we are puppets with perception, with awareness. And perhaps our awareness is the first step to our liberation.”     Stanley Milgram I once read an article where the author put forth the statement that there are two ways of looking at your existence, simply, you either believe you have a body or that you are your body.  The implications are quite profound, and make all the difference regarding the destiny of humanity. If we believe we have a body, then that implies an ownership granted by something higher than chance. If you believe we are here as a creation of God, then God gave you the body you have to interact with the environment He placed us in.  And it also would mean that once we are done with this particular body, we move to another one in the next life.   Such a mindset means, as John Locke emphasized, that we are born with natural rights, given by G...

The left-winger's thirst for meaning, and why they identify with their oppressors.

  The world will ask you who you are, and if you don't know, the world will tell you. Carl Jung I opened up my social media today and noticed a liberal friend had posted a picture proclaiming her support of Kamala Harris. It had a stiletto heel shoe, something Harris appears to like as her symbol, crushing a "Make America Great Again" cap.  I doubt she understood the actual sociological significance of her post, but it profoundly illustrates the class divide, economic and social, in the USA and, basically, the disdain the left has for working class Americans.  Edward Bernays wrote extensively about how identity affects us more than ideas.  We can assume an idea is open for debates, and, in a democratic society, people can discuss and learn from each other.  Not so easy in reality. We also have identities that have been instilled in us, i.e. our religion, our racial identity and even our social class. And politics has increasingly become as important as these pr...

Why Heterosexuality is Declining in Generation Z, Especially in Women

" I'm just saying that when things change this much, this fast, people are allowed to ask what's up with that ?"         Bill Maher Recent polls show an incredible increase in young people no longer identifying as heterosexual.  Around a quarter of Gen. Z identifies as trans, gay, gender queer, lesbian, pan-sexual and a number of other non-heterosexual categories.  And the rate is much higher in young women, so maybe a third of young women have shifted away from a traditional category? Why is this? Let's explore a few reasons why this has occured. First, let's make reference to the Salem Witch Trials. You may ask what that has to do with today. Well, Sigmund Freud discussed what he called "Social Contagion" (I know, during Corona media called that a new "conspiracy theory" yet Freud wrote about it in 1921).  He noted that when one person displays an emotion those around them connect and start to feel the same emotion.  So in reference to tr...