They Want You to Forget Your Past So They Can Erase Your Future.


"Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee."  Exodus 20:12

"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history"                                                                                                                                                                George Orwell

"To destroy a people you must first sever their roots."  Alexander Solzhenitsyn

What do you suppose the first three insights have in common? Well, if conservatives/traditionalists might not immediately catch it (hopefully most do) the left certainly does. It is central to their current playbook, though it is reversed from the intent of warning contained in the quotes.  The message of the quotes is that a culture that loses sight of its heritage can easily be weakened and eventually swept from the land.

The quote from Exodus, part of the 10 Commandments, is often interpreted by readers to mean only that you should listen to your mom and dad. Of course that can be awkward as some people have abusive parents. Why would you want to honor them? If we consider the promise that "thy days may be long upon the land" that strongly implies it refers to your collective ancestors, and respect their sacrifices to give you the life you have. So sure, you may have had a horrible mom, but she was but a speck of all your collective ancestors. Had only one had given up early, you would not exist, at least not in your current state.

So overall, if you are Irish you should look upon the sacrifices your ancestors went through, the hardships, the wars they survived, the oppression but, most importantly, that they survived and sacrificed to bring forth children. The same is true of people of Russian, or German, or Spanish, or whatever. Has any nation or people been perfect? No, how could they be? Are you perfect? No, but that doesn't mean your overall accomplishments are negative. You have a destiny, and as long as you honor that then you are deserving of admiration, both in your self but especially in regard to your children, their children and so on.

However, what the left wants people to do is look only at negative aspects of a people, an magnify a false sense that one should make that the defining point of how one looks at one's ancestors, and thus, by transference, to themselves. It is a purely even agenda. It's goal is to create inner tourmoil and guilt. Why? Because in people who harbor these thoughts, an unstable psyche is created so they can be easily manipulated. And whether the ultimate goal is to destroy such people, I believe the evidence points to that actually being the agenda, it at least creates a people unable to stand up for themselves. They become as dogs who are abused, whipped and yelled at who in time will whimper and hide in the corner when such an owner merely gives them an un-approving look. 

Such a people are unlikely to wish to marry and reproduce. How can two people afflicted with this mind virus look upon each other and wish to make more people like them? When our basic instinct to make more of us, to replace us someday, is submerged by self-hate, a people will indeed cease to possess the land. They will grow old, die and whatever culture and religion they had will perish, never to ever exist again. 

We must resist the mind manipulation so prevalent in our media, academia and elsewhere.  It first begins with ourselves in asking how much of our perceptions are based on what we have seen in media for instance. Do we look upon a couple with four young children in some sort of negative light because that is how we were conditioned by societal influences to view them? Be honest because that is how to reverse the conditioning. Then we must train up our children to recognize manipulation. Sit down and watch cartoons made after 2010...what are the subtle means aimed at the viewers? I realize once you go down this path it may be uncomfortable, but in an age where we are taught totally opposite of what a thriving culture or family should be doing, then we really are in a war for our survival. 

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