Our Children Are in Danger And Many of Us Are Unaware How and Why.
"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Some highly religious people say that we should just pray
and read the scriptures and not learn of what, for instance, the media or
public schools might be promoting within their agendas. However, you cannot
protect yourselves or families if they are able to undermine your values under
your cognitive radar. And while many people who support traditional values feel
a relief that Trump was elected, the war for the souls of America's children is
still being waged.
It took a long time to undermine our values to the point
they are now. Wait, what, you say? Your values have not budged? Okay, what is
your reaction to extreme violence in a movie? When "The Great Train
Robbery" was released in the early 20th Century, women would faint at mere
depictions of shootings that showed no blood whatsoever. Think about the last
film you saw that had a violent scene. Any fainting? Horror? Okay, how about if
your daughter announces to you her plan to have at least six children. How do
you react? Overjoyed at a future of lots of grand-children or something else?
We can go on...how people react today to nudity in film, same-sex scenes, etc.
We, as a population are not the same as we were in, let's say, 1950.
So why are we different? Easy answer - media. We used to be
a storytelling people, passing on epic sagas about the bravery of our
ancestors, and sitting around a proverbial campfire, we felt an emotional
connection to the characters we never even met. Today we have our storytelling
done by Hollywood, with a bit of help from the US government. We have been
conditioned over time to accept modern fashion because that is what we see the
people we have para-social relationships with on screen wearing. That, of course,
is reinforced by print media (now, internet), schools, etc. It would be one
thing if women suddenly decided that bikinis would be something more
comfortable to wear in the water, but that is not what happened. The fashion
industry sold the idea to the public in clever marketing campaigns.
Ideal family size? There was a behind-the-scenes effort to
reduce population growth by showing small families back in the 1960s, and it
has only intensified. Your daughter who wants six children? Most parents will
wonder if she is sane, or what it might cost, or...what of her
"career?" Is that an organic development? No, it was engineered by
government and foundational efforts to push against births. It is still taking
place, though the programming is fairly institutionalized in the west. However,
it is being used in places like Latin America to replicate the results in
Europe and the USA.
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Manipulation of the public mind:
And as anyone can see, they powers-that-be are not satisfied with the crash of western birthrates to levels that, if continued, will mean essential extinction of those peoples. They want more. Do people even ask where the idea of schools encouraging children to question their biological sex came from? Oh, that's a rabbit hole mose people are not ready to descend into. We can at least note that it's a pretty effective way to reduce births if a young male gets his reproductive organs removed, or a girl gets a hysterectomy, or even just takes male hormones and gets her breasts removed. Yeah, the media shows you picture of "pregnant men" but even if the person is missing breasts and has a beard thicker than most men, she is still a woman, but how likely will she be to want to get pregnant? And what if any of these people decide they made the wrong choice? Too bad. In today's America, yes, even in red states, the agenda to mold your child to something you might find terrible, by today's standards, is in full swing. Now, "the birds and the bees" have to take into account teaching your children, from infancy on, that females are the only ones who give birth, and they need males to make that possible. What were basic assumptions are under threat by the coordinated attack by those who want your children's generation to the the last of your family line.
So can we win this battle? Absolutely. All it takes is to
question our own assumptions and try to see what brainwashing we might have
been subjected to over the years. Then we must fortify our descendants to be
able to resist that which is intended to crush them. And yes, with God
everything is possible, but we are expected to learn what is taking place and
stand up to it.
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