Control the Food, Control the People. History Repeating Itself?
"I think it would be wise to invite all the sportsman of England and America...for a grand buffalo hunt." General William T. Sherman
I noticed an article recently that Britain plans to phase out 10% of their farmland so they can reach "net zero" on carbon emissions. The main target will be livestock as the claim goes that raising meat contributes to CO2 more than other forms of food production. While these claims are allegedly based on science, perhaps the same science that said everyone needed Covid shots, lockdowns would save grandma and that there are 72 genders, and counting, maybe General Sherman would, if alive, recognize a totally different agenda at know, restrict food and you can restrict people.
In what passes for teaching history in many US classrooms you were probably "taught" that the buffalo of the Great Plains were almost killed to extinction, but you were not told why. There are famous pictures of massive mounds of buffalo skeletons, but you may be left with the impression that over-hunting, or trying to get their hides, was the reason, and that it left the Plains Indians without their traditional food source, but as usual, half-truths hide the reason. The result was the actual plan.
After General Sherman's march through Georgia, which would have been considered a war crime, except he was on the winning side, his talents at destroying agricultural infrastructure of the enemy made him well-suited to apply his Civil War talents to another objective, subjugation of the Indians. They were a nomadic people who followed massive herds of migratory buffalo (BTW, imagine the CO2 and methane from a population of bison numbering in the tens of millions). So Sherman's mission was to eradicate their food supply, thus relegating them to reservations where the US government would be their only source of food, such as it would be. Sherman, and his controllers, knew that if you killed off the herds, just shootig them and leaving the meat to rot, the people would have to give in. Starvation is a powerful motivating factor in surrendering to an enemy.
So what does the ghost of Sherman have to do with the war on agriculture today? Everything. The objective is the same - control. However, in Sherman's day you could announce your goals and people would support it because the government saw a certain people as a problem, and their land and resources as a prize. Huge industrial entities, i.e. railroads, would greatly benefit. So is it any different today?
Well, it is a bit different. The elite know that people might be a bit irritated if they just came out and said they wanted to exercise control over the masses, make sure only the rich can afford meat, and that huge financial interests would be rewarded. So instead you trick them by saying it is all for their own good, that CO2 is going to end the world as they know it in 2010, oh wait, 2020, no, that didn't happen, okay 2030, opps, that's only a few years away, so maybe this time 2040? Yeah, far enough that people can fill in the gaps with their own imaginations of a dystopian wasteland. That's great. However, these same elitists who invest in beach-front properties, then claim the Statue of Liberty is going to get submerged by the ocean due to polar melts, don't really believe this propaganda. They just know that their control of media and even academia will enable them to trick enough people using fear to get them to comply, at least enough to counter any voices who question the prevailing narrative.
Unlike the Plains Indians who knew full well the agenda of the US government to genocide them, only a small number truly comprehend that many leaders in places like Europe, and even here in the USA, have a dark agenda that involves them paying far more for food, and even penalties imposed for eating "the wrong food" such as meat. People live in a normalacy bias where they think that leaders possess the same regard for liberty and the well-being of the masses as they have. They don't. They even use terms like "the useless class" in reference to people whose jobs they plan on phasing out with automation. Little do they comprehend that the "elite" are not going to see a bulk of the population receiving guaranteed incomes as a good thing. Of course, nobody is calling for a mass genocide akin to something Ghengis Khan would have done. You can accomplish this in a more "humane" way by concentrating food production, thus raising the prices and making access increasingly difficult, as well as making it more difficult to buy homes, even if you have a job. People will then not marry and have kids, at least not the people your leaders feel have no social or economic value anymore. One generation of collapsing birth rates and the job is done, you just have to wait for mortality to eventually clear out the high density 15 minute cities (that's a topic of a future article).
One thing we have that the Plains Indians didn't is the ability to get the truth out, organize and affect government policies. Farmers in the Netherlands and Ireland are struggling to survive in the face of "net zero" agendas (oh, you have not read about that? Wonder why the mainstream media hasn't...oh wait, that's right). We need to know what they have in mind, inform others (and most people have no clue) and make sure our future doesn't involve 15 minute reservations, decreased food and nutrition, and eventual extinction.
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