
Showing posts from 2021

How Single, Childless, Women May Drive Us to Socialism

  "For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck ." Luke 23:29 The context of the above scripture is somewhat ambiguous, does it mean society will honor women choosing not to have children, or is it that world conditions will be so ominous that it would be hazardous to bring new life into the world?  Often people assume it is the latter, but what if it is the former? I mean, in a society so pro-childbirth as ancient Israel it would be unbelievable for women, much less society, to not value marriage and childbirth, but isn't that where we are heading today? And how could this affect not only demographics, but culture and politics as well? According to an article, "Rise of the SHEconomy": "Based on Census Bureau historical data and Morgan Stanley forecasts, 45% of prime working age women (ages 25-44) will be single by 2030—the largest share in history—up...

"Class Warfare?" Left + Mega-Rich vs. Everyone Else

  Why do many, many people pay to send their children to private schools? Sure, there are such things as wanting to avoid the craziness that has infected American education in recent years. And another reason is to have a school that will reinforce the family's religious ideals.  However, the reason, in addition to these, is often to pay so your children will have higher-quality friends and associates while young, and to have access to networks that can benefit them economically and socially in adulthood.  Why? Because, while we try to dismiss it, social class is everything in our society. It is more important a variable in success than race, ethnic background and in many cases intelligence. A rich white person and a rich black person have way more in common with each other than a rich white person and a working class white person.  Wealth gives one advantages in every society on earth. And just to note, the rich American, of any race, has more in common with a rich ...

Once You Learn How They Try to Manipulate You and Your Family...

  Mind control defined: "...the process by which indivivual or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or distort perception, motivation, affect, cognitive or behavioral outcomes." Phillip Zimbardo Computer programming - Place into a machine the data to insure desired outcomes. "All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching? " Nicholas Johnson George Orwell noted that "All art is propaganda." Was he correct? Well, yes. Even if someone wanted to write a book, develop a script or bring a television show to life, there is no way they can do so without injecting bias.  So in everything you see or read, there is a message. However, it must be noted that few, if any, writers or directors try to stay away from injecting their own preferences and beliefs, and this is what we must be aware of when consuming their products. If you don't believe the power of media, look how you, or...

You Can Preserve Family Ideas, But it Will Take Courage, Now and in the Future.

  " The time will come that only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us ."  Spencer W. Kimball There is a truism that goes something like this: If you know the destination, you recognize the markers leading the way.  So what is the destiny of the family? What will families look like in 2030, 2050 and beyond? It has been proposed by some who have researched the goals of the powers-that-be that the family will undergo radical changes, one in which reproduction, if carried out, will not even involve traditional biological processes. So too, the concept of man + woman = love, marriage and babies may cease to be the norm, rather it will be something outlyers do, but not general society.  So will the elite succeed as such a "Brave New World" scenario? Maybe...probably... Of course, in every era changing economic patterns can alter family dynamics. When most people lived in ru...

If the Social Contract Continues to be Ignored by the Powers-That-be, Society Cannot Endure.

  " Man is a moral being only because he lives in society. Let all social life disappear, and morality will disappear with it ." Emile Durkheim As sociological pioneers go, Emile Durkheim is one of my favorites.  His work centered on the importance of family, religion and social bonds.  He saw the correlation between social pathologizes and a lack of connection to important institutions that gave life meaning. He also stressed the importance of society working through cooperation, similar to the social contract spoken of by Locke and Rousseau. The reason I make reference to Durkheim you ask? Well, without a sense of social connection a society cannot survive. The importance of this metaphysical agreement between individuals, families, networks, and eventually between people and government cannot be ignored, but apparently the powers-that-be in today's western societies have decided they no longer need to follow this contract between equals because, in their minds, power i...

The Importance of Recognizing the Difference Between Psychopaths (High v. Low Functioning).

    “Sure, I admit we may have gone way beyond the pale but we should not feel guilty. That is just a waste of emotion.”   Janet, "The Destiny of Our Past" Most people believe that all humans think the way they do.  They believe that they feel fear, dread, love, empathy and anxiety just like they do. They believe wrong, and this can leave them vulnerable in ways they cannot imagine.   Psychopaths are an interesting segment of the population.  They are not "crazy" in the way Hollywood portrays them, they just don't see the world, or react to it, as most people do.  Here are some of their most notable characteristics: Glib and superficial charm. The ability to lie, or important in American politics, reconstruct the truth with creativity. Lack of empathy. Lack of guilt. A grandiose sense of self. Easily bored and a need for higher-than-average stimulation. Highly competitive. And, ironically, they tend to be psychically attractive due to wanting to k...

If You Won't Own Anything, Then Who Will? Technocracy v. Communism. There is a Subtle Difference.

  "The theory of communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property" Karl Marx "You'll own nothing" -- And "you'll be happy about it."  Klaus Schwab  At first glance, it appears that Marx and Schwab are kindred souls. However, while many people have asserted that the ideas of today's technocratic "elite" are communistic, that may not be entirely accurate.  Marx had a vision of a utopia that would see, at least in theory, humans elevated to an ideal of communal industries run by local communities for the benefit of each other. Yes, I know, as Freud noted in " Civilization and its Discontents " socialism sounds great, but it runs against basic rules of human nature in its assumptions.  Collectivism just doesn't work within a secular, societal, context. However, what many technocrats envision for our future could be labeled as "techno-feudalism" and, while its assumptions may also ru...