"Class Warfare?" Left + Mega-Rich vs. Everyone Else


Why do many, many people pay to send their children to private schools? Sure, there are such things as wanting to avoid the craziness that has infected American education in recent years. And another reason is to have a school that will reinforce the family's religious ideals.  However, the reason, in addition to these, is often to pay so your children will have higher-quality friends and associates while young, and to have access to networks that can benefit them economically and socially in adulthood.  Why? Because, while we try to dismiss it, social class is everything in our society. It is more important a variable in success than race, ethnic background and in many cases intelligence.

A rich white person and a rich black person have way more in common with each other than a rich white person and a working class white person.  Wealth gives one advantages in every society on earth. And just to note, the rich American, of any race, has more in common with a rich European or Asian than a working class person in America.  And as wealth gives power, they are the ones who dictate the national consciousness, again, in their favor. I mean, who owns the media? Entertainment industry? Social media platforms?

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The ultimate irony is when liberals, from middle class backgrounds, believe they are on the front lines of "fighting for the working people" or "standing up against oppression." They never seem able to recognize that their views are perfectly in line with the trans-national corporations that actually control society.  They have no problem turning their anger towards a small business that violates their alleged "community standards" but would never dream of condemning a media giant that does business with oppressive governments that crush human rights at home; rather, they will stand in line to see the movies they churn out.

Ultimately, Donald Trump, a rich man himself, exposed the true class war going on in the USA - and it isn't the one spoken of by Marxist political science professors at your local university. In reality, the middle and working classes are in a struggle to survive in a society where the wealthy elite are sucking up all the resources.  Of course the wealthy don't see the hypocricy, or maybe they do, of flying private jets to "climate change conferences" or owning several mansions while speaking out against "wealth inequality." Yet why should they? They have an army of useful idiots who will regurgitate whatever formula is given to them on social media or in TV programming regarding whom to turn their inner frustrations against.  It would be comical to see them perform for their elite masters like trained seals at a zoo, if it were not for the damage they inflict at the personal, community and national level. 

Of course the left-winger with their huge student debt, gamer computer and latest cell-phone will absolutely reject the premise that they are pawns to the upper class. Yet these "champions of social democracy" are never seen protesting the closure of a factory that employs hundreds of working people because it was bought by a consortium of investers who will gut it and send the operations to a country that pays workers pennies on the dollar. Wouldn't that be a perfect target of capitalism going wrong? No, you don't see the perpetually offended out there taking on predatory capitalism. 

So the irony is that if you brought Marx back to life in the 2020s he would probably be disgusted at the typical coffee shop leftist. Heck, seeing the manipulation of the monied interests, the 1% of the 1% who own the means of production, distribution and communication, he might, after viewing how the people claiming to be socialists are controlled like mice in a maze devised by B.F. Skinner, grab a MAGA hat and put it on his head.  He would likely see the true class war as one in which the working and middle class were being crushed by a woke, socially conscious, highly entitled elite who, thanks to outsourcing and automation, see little use for the masses who once were their source of income and production.

In conclusion, we are hearing more about an alleged "great reset" from the people at the very top. Does anyone believe that the elite, due to any heartfelt love of the masses, would radically restructure society for the benefit of the people the media and academics appear to have nothing but distain for? Could it be that you can further compartmentalize and isolate the masses under the smokescreen of building a "sustainable future?" If people don't begin to question where things are going then I suppse we are all going to find out by 2030. 

What if the era of Noah didn't look a thing as it is generally presented? https://www.amazon.com/Destiny-Our-Past-Michael-Cross-ebook/dp/B01MY4WASN


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