You Can Preserve Family Ideas, But it Will Take Courage, Now and in the Future.


"The time will come that only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us."  Spencer W. Kimball

There is a truism that goes something like this: If you know the destination, you recognize the markers leading the way.  So what is the destiny of the family? What will families look like in 2030, 2050 and beyond? It has been proposed by some who have researched the goals of the powers-that-be that the family will undergo radical changes, one in which reproduction, if carried out, will not even involve traditional biological processes. So too, the concept of man + woman = love, marriage and babies may cease to be the norm, rather it will be something outlyers do, but not general society.  So will the elite succeed as such a "Brave New World" scenario? Maybe...probably...

Of course, in every era changing economic patterns can alter family dynamics. When most people lived in rural environments, women tended to marry just after they reached reproductive age, and generally with a male who was older (one who had acquired land or a trade). Afterwards they often lived in an extended family household and had lots of children. And with little mobility most people in the small communities they lived in had common ancestors. 

The Industrial Revolution disrupted this pattern of life. Many people moved to cities, there they married people from other communities, age of marriage increased and since living quarters were smaller, and with no land, no other relatives lived with them, there was no helping hands with childrearing and families sizes decreased. Also, religiosity tended to decrease, not due to more education, but due to traditional reinforcers of values having little power in a more anonymous, urban setting.

The next phase was the nuclear family of mom, dad and some kids after WW2. There one had a house, a yard, a culture that reinforced a national sense of culture and values through TV and radio, and thus a growth in the popularity of religion, which encouraged more births. However, as the economy grew, corporations wanted more workers, keeps the wages lower after all, so a push for women in the workforce began. This was the beginning of the end of the nuclear family as children started to be seen as a liability to consumeristic ideals of "keeping up with the Joneses" and, with the birth control pill, young people could have sexual pleasure, without the worry of a surprise pregnancy. And if such did happen, the powers-that-be made sure abortion became an option.

So coming into the 21st. Century we have seen marriage rates collapse, divorce more common, and raising children has shifted from "I have a job so I can pay for my family" to "I have a career and if I get around to it, I will have a kid or two." This reduces a person's desire to marry, makes marriage for many a quest for hypergamy (finding a partner who is higher on the social hierachy than you), and thus we have many men opting out of marriage completely. 

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So what happens when women are focused on career and "marrying better" and many men are unable to become what society says is successful? You have a growing number of women who won't "settle for 2nd best" but still wanting a baby or two.  This is where sperm banks come in. If a woman is financially secure, starting to stare at the prospect of never finding Mr. Perfect, and has childcare options, she can go in and at least get Mr. Perfect's sperm, her and maybe a half dozen other women. In the past, 80% of women reproduced, only 40% of men. The post-war period helped equalize those number, but the new world evolving will only reduce that traditional 40% - maybe significantly.

Women are more geared for the technological society than men. Today more women than men graduate university, women get better grades in school and are more socially compliant, seeking concensus over confrontation more so than men. And as women usually want to marry men who are at least equal to them on the social hiararchy, many people will never marry. This will make artificial insemination more than just an option, it will become the norm. And as was seen in poorer, inner-city families in recent decades, a matriarchy will develop. However, unlike those communities, sexuality will become more fluid, and women may form polyamorous networks, or marry other women; and it should be noted that as rates of lesbianism have remained fairly constant in recent years, the number of young women identifying as bisexual or pan-sexual has exploded. So, as a leading humanist once noted, when he predicted that by the 2020s the sex of a prospective mate would become an obsolete construct, when you divorce sex from reproduction then that is to be expected. 

Yet taking this further, I remember reading a Russian eugenicist from the 1920s say that to really make eugenics work, you would have to divorce reproduction from romance. Obviously, when a women goes in alone, or with her wife, to a sperm bank there is no romance between the donor and the soon-to-be mother. She will evaluate her donor on the basis of his health, fitness and intelligence. So as this becomes more popular, the idea of upgrading the genes of the next generation will gain ground. And then we will see artificial manipulation of human DNA for ever more superiority to gain acceptance. 

So what will men be doing as their sisters are choosing to be single mothers, getting married to another woman (women) or in a polyamorous network with one alpha male and several women who work out who is with whom that evening? Enter the metaverse, coupled with sex robots. What were the 60% of men doing back in the old days who never reproduced? They had other pastimes, and so will maybe 80%+ of men in the near future.  And once we get to a universal basic income, they will be happy in their urban cubical while their female counterparts will be allotted better housing if they have children, and are compliant with whatever demands the state has on them and their children. Sure, people can still work, but many males will be content with their life, as many are today, while women and alpha males will dominate the future private economy.

Of course this evolution is being promoted by social policy from the elite, but it would be expected, just not in the values-neutral construct that can be seen forming. Just as this same elite has milked the Corona issue to usher in much of its agenda, that elite will also use economic transition in a similar manner. Again, will traditionalists still be able to have the mom, dad and the kids lifestyle? Sure, but it will not be easy to live the "Little House on the Prairie" Ideal when most of the society is opting for "Brave New World." 

If you like science fiction with a glimpe into our true future: The Destiny of Our Past eBook : Cross, Michael: Kindle Store


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