Political Perceptions, Left and Right.

" It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see ." Henry David Thoreau Have you ever had a discussion with someone in which it just seemed like that person just couldn't grasp the point you were trying to make? It could have been on a deep subject, or something quite simple, but at the end of the conversation it seemed as if nothing penetrated the mind of the person you were speaking to? It was not that you were speaking a different language to him/her but perhaps your perceptions of reality were so different that no points of commonality could be found. Case in point, a hypothetical conversation between a person on the political/cultural right and one on the left. In today's America it is quite apparent that meaningful conversation has become very difficult. Of course I am attempting to access the minds of people here, just as I would in developing a character for one of my novels (check link to works below, you might enjoy con...