Trump's Message is Positive Nationalism/Patriotism

"Our secret weapon is nationalism. To have nationhood, which is a sign of maturity, is greater than any weapon in the world."        Ho Chi Minh

While I am not in the habit of quoting those who led wars against US soldiers, I find it interesting that the left condemns Donald Trump for saying he is a nationalist, while they never condemn someone like Ho for praising nationalism.  Maybe Trump intentionally used the term to trigger the left to lash out at nationalism, and expose their underlying contempt for American patriotism and belief in sovereignty.

Nationalism is not racism, in fact far from it.  The nationalism that grew out of Europe, particularly in the 19th Century, was an attempt by governments to unify their peoples DESPITE regional, religious and ethnic differences within the national boundaries they controlled.  The nation-state in the more modern sense attempts to draw people's allegiance to symbols, ideals, and connections people have to one another rather than differences based on blood or religion. True, if a nation is mostly made up of a peole who share the same ethnicity or religion that can become a factor in the national unity, but many countries try to tie people together through historic bonds or language.  This is essential as few larger nations are 100% homogenous.

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The United States is one such nation. It is made up of many ethnic and religious groups, but there is a sense that most Americans feel a knowledge and connection to the Founding Fathers, the flag, a respect for people like the Pilgrims and the pioneers, a belief in a republic and the Bill of Rights.  Americans of all races and beliefs can go to the monuments in Washington, DC and feel a pride in their shared history of making the nation what it is today. That is the nationalism that Trump is talking about.

What the left is angry at is that they have become great champions of globalization in recent years. Yes, that is ironic since the brand of globalization they appear to support is that which is championed by trans-national corporations who wish there to be no boders in regards to capital movement; a brand that says that if environmental regulations and salaries workers need to survive are too high then just close down your operations in the USA and move to where you can exploit the environment and impoverished local peoples. That is ignored by most who mock Trump's call for patriotism.

You see, Trump's rhetoric does not fit into the post-American narrative that the left believes will usher in a world of cooperation; a world of no borders, a world that places little emphasis on national sovereignty and surrenders more legal authority to world bodies such as the United Nations. The left believes this is the future and that may also explain their desire to take down monuments that remind Americans of their unique history.  The more people identify with their individual heritage the less they will want to transfer governance to regional entities and eventually to a one-world system.

Trump wants Americans to unite behind nationalism in the form of people coming together as Americans. The left has made that term a dirty word however by emphasizing individuals like Hitler who used nationalism in conquest.  Most of them sincerely believe that nationalism really is a form of racism.  Yet at the same time they are quick to excuse communist dictators who wiped out millions of people. They will reply to anyone who brings that up with either, "They were not true communists" or "True communism has not been tried yet." A million excuses to take the blame off the ideology of the left, while pointing at one individual who used it for his own diluted agenda to wage a war of dominion. Thus, Trump is, in their minds, just the same as Hitler since he praises nationalism. Strange though that the left often forgets that Trump is perhaps the most pro-Israel president the USA has had.  Doesn't fit the narrative, I guess.

Trump's call on nationalism is a call for unity at a time when other elements in the society are trying to fracture the American public into warring camps.  So when you see people mocking Trump and calling him names for his support of national pride then ask yourself what the agenda of his opponents in powerful positions really are, and also ask yourself if your friends who repeat that opposition have considered the whole story.

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