Why the 2nd Amendment is as Vital Now As Ever Before.

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.

Thomas Jefferson

Ever have a discussion with someone who supports gun control? Bet you have heard such phrases as, "Why do people need guns anymore? We have the police." or "The 2nd Amendment is out-dated and if we eliminate it our crime rates will decrease."  On the face of it sometimes these seem like valid points; but only if we examine the issue very superficially.  Unfortunately, soundbite-style statements cannot provide good analysis of the issue.

As an author I have dealt with government tyranny and manipulation in my books, as well as 
the agenda of technocratic rule.  I also covered such issues in my video presentations on YouTube. You can check these out at the end of this article Oh, and please subscribe).  We are constantly at odds with the objectives of people who want to exercise dominion over us. The founders of this nation knew that. This is why they provided us the Bill of Rights.

There is a bumper-sticker many Americans have probably seen that reads, “God made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal.” True, in the eyes of God we are all born equal, but one must remember that prophets often were well-armed. Sometimes even with God in your corner you still need something physical to defend yourself.  This was one reason the right to bear arms was seen as critical by those who founded the USA.  But have times changed in regards to this right?

Well, I would ask people to place themselves in the shoes of a would-be rapist or general bad-guy attacker. You are in America. You live in a state with concealed-carry rights.  Is the woman you see hiking alone in the forest armed or not? It is a question that even the most deranged individual must ask.  So let us suppose you know they have no weapon, you are ten miles away from any police station. Even if she could manage to call 9-11 and even give her location what are the odds the knights in shining armor will come to the rescue in time?

The right to own a gun not only is a deterrence that protects the gun-packing 5ft tall young woman who likes to be alone in nature but also lowers the odds of attack for the 6ft tall anti-gun man who also loves to hike alone, but feels guns are inherently evil. You see, a person with evil intent in their heart has no clue which one might possess his ticket to the afterlife. We can never know how many violent attacks have been prevented because of private gun ownership any more than we can know for certain that nuclear weapons prevented WW3 between the West and the old Soviet Union, yet most assume such weapons did indeed maintain the peace in Europe.

Apparently with gun sales skyrocketing, especially among American women, people wish to deter crime being inflicted upon them.  I do not want to get into a long debate of statistics but I will note that most anti-gun memes out there lump together police shootings, suicides and even cases of victims taking out a would-be perpetrator into the category of “gun deaths in America” which conveys a mental image that may not reflect overall reality. It would be akin to saying that people who are driving to the store and get killed in a car accident should be categorized as having died in a food-related fatality.

In an article appearing in the January 2, 2008 “Mail Online” titled, “I’ve got my Tomb Raider guns – and I’m not afraid to use them” Angelina Jolie presents her insights on guns. I would strongly encourage people to look up the article as I believe what she says about guns reflects American attitudes, but in a way that people may be more apt to relate to than when a politician speaks about gun ownership.

I had a conversation with someone from a country which does not allow private gun ownership.  She said she believed that Americans want to own weapons "out of fear." Well, maybe she is right. I am not a fearful person but  if I am camping alone in the middle of the wilderness I might have a bit of fear if, in the middle of the night, I hear something entering my camp area.  At least with a weapon I can at least fire one shot in the air and scare whatever it is off.  With no weapon I will hope it is a deer and not a hungry bear. Same is true if, in the middle of the night, I hear someone breaking into my home. I have known people who, when this situation has become a reality, merely yelling a warning down the stairs has caused the would-be attacker or robber to flee at lightening speed.

As as for other aspect of the original intent of the 2nd Amendment, are people just being paranoid to believe that the government could go full-scale dystopian or that society could collapse into something akin to "The Walking Dead?" Any student of history, or even current events, could verify that such could happen, although we hope it will never occur.

In conclusion I do believe that the instinct to protect ones-self and loved ones is the primary drive that is propelling gun sales, particularly with women. And while the chance of becoming a victim of violent crime is relatively low, so is the risk of being involved in a serious car wreck; yet we take precautions by wearing seat belts and acquiring insurance nonetheless, right? The right to own guns should be seen in the same context.

 In addition, if you are a fan of science fiction that demonstates how far the ruling elite go take control over people's lives then check out "The Destiny of Our Past" here: https://www.amazon.com/Destiny-Our-Past-Michael-Cross-ebook/dp/B01MY4WASN

Check out my YouTube channel (and subscribe) if you enjoy discussions on how psychology manipulates the masses as well as how media really works: Michael Cross - YouTube


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