
Showing posts from December, 2024

Our Children Are in Danger And Many of Us Are Unaware How and Why.

  " In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. "  George Orwell  Some highly religious people say that we should just pray and read the scriptures and not learn of what, for instance, the media or public schools might be promoting within their agendas. However, you cannot protect yourselves or families if they are able to undermine your values under your cognitive radar. And while many people who support traditional values feel a relief that Trump was elected, the war for the souls of America's children is still being waged. It took a long time to undermine our values to the point they are now. Wait, what, you say? Your values have not budged? Okay, what is your reaction to extreme violence in a movie? When "The Great Train Robbery" was released in the early 20th Century, women would faint at mere depictions of shootings that showed no blood whatsoever. Think about the last film you saw that had a violent scene. Any fainting? Horror? Okay, ho...