The Course the Marxists Have Taken to Destroy Your Heritage, and thus, Destroy Your Culture.


"To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12

I recently posted about the issue of obesity acceptance (body positivity) and a Democrat in my friends network attempted to take me to task. Ironically, the position she took inspired this article, and while it may not be obviously apparent, it ties together the quote from Alexamder Solzhenitsyn and well as the promise in the 10 Commandments above.

The person taking the obesity-positive position took the premise that it was nobody's right but the state to question health choices within society.  If a person chooses to be obese, it not only is their right, but they have the right to not be questioned. Nobody has a right to try to inform them of the costs/benefits of weight on health and, in fact, society has the obligation to make public, and private, accommodations modified to fit their lifestyle choice (i.e. being able to have two seats on a plane without paying double).

So aside from a question of public health how does this attitude tie in with the quotes above?

Well, the promise in the Bible is that if one respects their heritage, they will honor it as well as wish to pass it on with children.  It will also insure cohesiveness with others who share the same heritage.  As the sociologist Emile Durkheim noted, strong communities are healthier and show less pathologies (i.e. suicide). Of course this means people will see behaviors and habits of others in their community as something that should be addressed, both to help the individuals engaged in these practices towards more positive choices as well as to strengthen the collective health and strength of the community.

And as for Solzhenitsyn, if honoring one's heritage brings a community together the opposite will be true if one can create disgust and hatred of one's ancestors. As people become fragmented, they don't become more free, they merely lose any sense of obligation to others. A form of public apathy develops, and eventually evolves into nihilism.  Why have children? Why care what happens to your neighbor? Why care if you use others? Who cares if government becomes more totalitarian? I mean, as Nietzsche warned, nihilism leads to the death of a society.  And this is what we are seeing today. Our society has lost its will to power in any real sense (a life goal, a quest to improve and leave a better world for future generations).  All that has been given in exchange by the powers-that-be is empty consumerism, obsession with sports, celebrities and new flavors at the super market.

Look at what is going on today. Just thirty years ago what would the collective response had been to children being exposed to men in women's lingerie performing for little children in public libraries? What would have been the reaction to 15 year-old girls told they were born in the wrong bodies and then encouraged to have their breasts cut off? How would people have reacted if told they had to call a man with a beard a woman because they demanded such? And yes, now we are told that obesity can be both healthy and just as gorgeous as someone who eats right and exercises?

Yet one must ask, what is behind this? Is it a social pathology such as Freud's theory of thanatos in which the death instinct has taken over? Is it a psy-op by the wealthy elite to fracture the society and bring in a techno-feudalistic dystopian nightmare? Is it part of a de-population agenda to lead us to accept being purged as being part of what they now call "the useless class?" Or could all of these be components in a grand scheme to alter humanity?

It is pretty apparent that whatever the root agenda, the only people who will survive and have an impact on the collective gene pool of the future are those who can hold onto respect for their heritage, respect for who they are and devotion to family and traditional values.  It will undoubtedly become increasingly difficult to hold onto truth and safeguard our families, but doing so is a must - the failure to do so is not an option we can entertain.

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