Why the Liberal Mind Strives for Authoritarianism


"Where love stops, power begins, and violence, and terror."  Carl Jung

It is not hard to remember a few years ago when liberals and conservatives could hold conversations with each other, respect each other's opinions, and at the end agree to disagree.  What happened?  Well, Sigmund Freud might have provided a clue when he discussed the concept of "The narcissism of slight differences."

What Freud speculated was that we have far less tolerance for people who are like us, but hold different core values, than we are people who are very different. For instance, way more condemnation came out against Russia when it banned promotion of homosexual themes to pre-18 school children than when a Middle Eastern nation might imprison or execute gay people.  I mean, Russians are a western people who look and generally behave as most Europeans, so liberals would think they should "know better" than to be so conservative whereas people in the Middle East have a far different culture, language and religion. 

So, Freud might say that a liberal, when the dominant liberal media gives them permission to do so, will hate a person for supporting Trump, for instance, as their mindset is that they might have gone to the same school, or live in the same neighborhood, and shop at the same store.  How dare they be so (fill in the blank for liberal labels) when they should know better. This leads the liberal to have to have an explanation beyond what used to be just a sense of political differences. In their mind they create an evil caricature of what a Trump supporter, or any conservative, must be motivated by. They must be anti-woman, especially if they are women, racists, especially if they are non-white, wanting to burn gay people at the stake, get rid of civil rights and eat puppies...alive. The only limit to the evil, to the liberal, is their imagination. 

So it is a small step for the liberal to get frustrated at their failure to convert everyone to liberalism, so this leads them, as Jung noted, to desire power to force people to accept their views.  A year ago a poll showed half of Democrats believed people who opposed getting vaccinated should be severely punished, many believing their children should be taken from them (for their safely, of course).  In the liberal mind you sometimes have to be harsh, even brutal, for the good of society.  And what is good for society? What the liberal mind says is. 

The next step is violence.  Want to see where such mindsets lead? Here is a link to the Russian movie "The Checkist" where the communists under Lenin turned executions into a factory conveyor-belt sort of operation.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_RSDqBn0bA&t=3293s Ask a liberal if they believe the protestors on January 6 should be executed or tossed in jail for the rest of their lives. Then ask them what should be done to people who oppose "the trans agenda" or any other liberal project. Look into their eyes.  What do you see?

Check out this video, and please subscribe, for further analysis. 

Ultimately, liberals today are a perfect example of reaction-formation coupled with mass formation psychosis.  The former means that you lash out at others to cover your own inner demons, the latter, you extend your ego onto a movement.  The movement cannot be wrong, and compassion might mean you have to face your own inner demons. So, your hate has to be externalized at all times. And the hate will not be limited to those you label as fascists, or some other meaningless term (in that the liberal cannot even define it) they will soon aim their hatred at fellow believers who are perceived as not as devout.  Yes, they will eat their own, because, as earlier noted, any compassion allows for self-inspection, and that cannot be allowed.

So, this is why the liberal mind begs for authoritarianism.  They cannot control their own thoughts and demons, so they need someone or something to keep them and everyone else in line.  They want force, not only for their enemies, but to control themselves.  The liberal mind is insecure, and power, even if exercised on them, brings security.  

So, is there a cure? Well, make sure your children never become liberal. Build them up and give them rational reasons for their beliefs. Can one cure a loved one who has gone over to them? Yes, but it takes time. I remember watching a zombie movie once where one could capture and treat a zombie and cure them, and it was not easy.  You couldn't cure all of them, but some you could.  So never give up on a loved one. As for society at large?  All one can do is strive to deprogram them. Continue to get them to question the programming they have received in college and in the media, and hope for the best. 


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