Drag Performances and Creating Sexual Confusion in Children Would have Appalled Sigmund Freud.


"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."  Sigmund Freud

Most of us can remember when school was a place to learn math, science, English, social sciences and to get to see friends.  About the most controversial issue that might come up is how evolution was presented in science classes (most science teachers were Christian, so usually no big deal) or maybe the topic of contraception in health class.  No teachers, especially in grade school, were promoting gender fluidity (no basis in biology), sexually explicit books in school libraries, or that tom boy girls needed to seriously consider having their breasts wacked off so they could "affirm their true gender." In fact, the whole purpose of government schools seems to have changed - and I mean, why not? Math and biology are racist anyway, so why not concentrate on sex and pronouns and such? Well, for one thing, it is going to mess the psychology of children up, and we need only turn to Freud, the father of modern psychology, to see why.

I know, a lot of people have an impression of Freud as promoting sexual freedom because he based a lot of psychology on the sex instinct.  They don't realize he believed sexuality was a power that needed to be subjugated towards building families and civilization. Compared to the average preacher today, Freud, an agnostic Jew, would be considered alt-right.  And he was especially adamant that children ages 6 - 13, should be protected from anything of a sexual nature.

Freud called the stage between early childhood and puberty the latency stage. In it, the confusing issues of sexuality in the young child, are put on hold or repressed.  This is a period that children are supposed to learn skills of adult survival - boys learn how to be men, girls how to be women. This is in preparation to someday finding an opposite-sexed spouse who reminds them of their own parent (imprinting) and they marry and start having children of their own.  We see this in all cultures around the world. Boys learn how to hunt, how to be warriors to protect the tribe, and in more developed societies, how to gain skills to make a living. Girls learn how to maintain a home and how to someday be mothers. In Freud's view, that is how humans evolved whereas one could also note that is God's plan and purpose and anything that interferes is bound to lead to failure at both the individual and societal level.

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Back to Freud, he believed that issues of a sexual nature, if forced on a child in the latency stage, could cause fixation - the mind being in a sense traumatized by issues he or she is unable to process.  This can later create an adult with a lack of moral controls, fetishes, asexuality or hypersexuality.  All successful cultures do their best to shelter the child from sexual exposure until such time as puberty sets in an often the child goes through some ritual of manhood or womanhood.  Again, successful cultures, even ones where nudity is common, have strict rules on what is appropriate for a child's mind, and what is not.

Nowadays, however, we have a batch of liberal, often childless white educators and policymakers, who feel we need to crash head-on with not only Freud's observations and theories but traditions and cultural norms as well. They feel, all in the name of "inclusion," or so they say, that it is okay for naked men to flaunt themselves in pride parades in front of children, even though those children have not been raised to where public nudity is normal. The children are also being exposed to drag queen readings and dance performances. Defenders say they are innocent.  We all know that they are not something children should be exposed to. But wait, there's more. Books with explicit messages and graphics are being encouraged for young readers, and last, but not all or least, children are confused because adults are telling them to ignore reality and that they can choose their sex and gender.  "Mary, you like playing ball with the boys? Maybe you are a boy. Someday you can express your true self with puberty blockers and special operations." You know this message is being promoted by grade schoolteachers maybe even in your conservative community. 

It is highly doubtful Freud could have imagined the reality of 2023 America, Canada, Britain and Australia.  Yet just as he said with the phrase "anatomy is destiny" he would note that we are setting the stage for very confused, sexually fractured, generation that will find relationships in the traditional male-female context difficult to establish.  Of course, the people who are behind this are well aware of reality, and that is part of their agenda; maybe not the local librarian sponsoring a drag qeeen hour for children, but the people who are higher on the totem pole above her know what they are doing.

So, what to do? If possible, home school your children or find a private academy with positive values. Also, try to warn others of this agenda. The irony is that many Christians, especially highly empathetic women, are vulnerable to not wanting to hurt people's feelings. Yet sacrificing children to an unhealthy ideology is far worse than making a teacher, or public official, uncomfortable when challenged.  We need to realize psychology is not on the side of this agenda, though psychology is being used to wage a psy-op on people to accept it.  Ironically, we are rushing not to some wonderful, open, utopia, but rather to the societies that had similar practices, but of course eventually died.  We too will die as a people and society if we adopt policies that aim to destroy the innocence and moral character of our children. 


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