Drag Performances and Creating Sexual Confusion in Children Would have Appalled Sigmund Freud.

"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection." Sigmund Freud Most of us can remember when school was a place to learn math, science, English, social sciences and to get to see friends. About the most controversial issue that might come up is how evolution was presented in science classes (most science teachers were Christian, so usually no big deal) or maybe the topic of contraception in health class. No teachers, especially in grade school, were promoting gender fluidity (no basis in biology), sexually explicit books in school libraries, or that tom boy girls needed to seriously consider having their breasts wacked off so they could "affirm their true gender." In fact, the whole purpose of government schools seems to have changed - and I mean, why not? Math and biology are racist anyway, so why not concentrate on sex and pronouns and such? Well, for one thing, it is going to mess the psychology of children up, a...