"Only a Fool Would Let His Enemy Teach His Children"

 "Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children."  Malcolm X

Back in the 1970s or even 1980s you knew that when your child went to school the worse threat to them was possible bullying.  Of course, that is a horrible thing. However today, in public schools, you not only have bullying for many, but psychological warfare carried out by teachers and administrators.  And what can one do about it if unable to home school or enroll their children in private schools? Well, there are strategies, but we shall get to that.

First, we need to take into account what I have discussed before, social learning theory.  Simply put, we learn by viewing and doing, and that which brings us the most reward will be adopted.  Humans needed a certain level of conformity to survive as a species, but like any positive trait, it can be harmful if manipulated, and the powers-that-be are certainly doing their best to manipulate the minds of our children and youth to reject all positive principles that enabled us to survive as a species as well as flourish as a people.

Second, we need to be aware of what the agenda of the powers-that-be really is - conformity and eventual phasing out of a large proportion of the population. This can be accomplished in many ways. For instance:

*  Create a cultural dynamic that only allows questioning within approved parameters. Make sure both the traditional left's condemnation of consumerism and exploitation of the working people, as well as the right's desire to promote free enterprise, opportunity to advance as well as traditional morality are ignored or even ridiculed in schools. Teach that corporate news is the only viable means of knowing what is best for us.

* Teach peer-conformity.  This will come in handy as new ideas are injected into the classroom, be they eating bugs or questioning one's biological gender. Young people are already insecure as it is, but throwing in the idea of maybe not being what your body is can be presented to them as a liberation from their anxieties we have always recognized existed in children and those entering puberty. Enter in change agents, with the backing of very powerful forces, and soon the boy looks forward to having fake breasts and removal of his testicles and girls begin to see those things growing on their chests as a burden that needs to be sliced off.  Of course not all young people will latch onto this, but many will, especially as a form of mass formation psychosis sets in and you have groups, especially girls, reinforcing these ideas with each other.

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So what can a regular person do that doesn't have the resources to pay private school tuition or have one parent stay home to teach? Well, here are some means by which you can prevent some liberal missionary of the left from influencing your children:

* Become the child's first line of authority on everything. Yes, that is right. Many teachers (probably more so, grade school teachers - the liberal ones)  think parents are stupid, and their job is to enlighten the children.  This is why you need to be an expert on your religion as well as biology, books, etc. Make sure when your kid's liberal teacher is spouting off his/her views, the child knows his/her parents are way smarter.  

*  Benjamin Franklin said it was vital to question authority.  Teach that to your child.  Teach them righteous principles, and give them the armor they need in this world. Don't worry they will question you, they might, but far less than if you send them out with the idea that teachers, politicians, influencers and media are good authorities.

* Get super-literate. Read books that created our civilization, or sought to preserve it. Share these books with your children (print copies) when they are old enough to understand them.  

* Start them young with classic movies.  We went from reducing attention span with music videos to basically killing it with Tik Tok as well as modern cartoons, children's networks and Hollywood. Get them used to movies that have a positive theme involved with heritage, or teaching values, or at least warning what happens to individuals and societies that stray from those values. They will obviously be exposed to more "modern" movies but give them a standard by which to judge them when they are older.

*  And teach them what psychological manipulation is all about.  It is never too early to expose them to that.  If you drive by a bakery that vents out mouth-watering aroma, explain to them that this is to draw in customers.  I knew a psychology professor who made sure that when watching TV together he would have the children analyze and mock the commercials.  His goal was that the children would be critical of marketing strategies.  Are most people aware that corporations employ marketing strategists who follow children around in their homes and note the interaction of a child with products? This is done from infant to teenage.  Your children are a product and you have to teach them how to resist people with advanced degrees striving to manipulate them.

These are just a few suggestions on how to counter what is going on in the classroom as well as in entertainment and social media.  It may seem overwhelming at times, but if you build immunity in your children against the manipulation aimed at them they will not likely fall victim to either marketing aimed at getting them to feel obligated to spend their money or the dark agendas that aim to destroy their faith in themselves, their heritage, their identity as a male or female and anything else the powers-that-be seek to dismantle. 

And of course, you can seriously re-examine if indeed you can find an alternative to public school. 


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