"Only a Fool Would Let His Enemy Teach His Children"

"Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children." Malcolm X Back in the 1970s or even 1980s you knew that when your child went to school the worse threat to them was possible bullying. Of course, that is a horrible thing. However today, in public schools, you not only have bullying for many, but psychological warfare carried out by teachers and administrators. And what can one do about it if unable to home school or enroll their children in private schools? Well, there are strategies, but we shall get to that. First, we need to take into account what I have discussed before, social learning theory. Simply put, we learn by viewing and doing, and that which brings us the most reward will be adopted. Humans needed a certain level of conformity to survive as a species, but like any positive trait, it can be harmful if manipulated, and the powers-that-be are certainly doing their best to manipulate the minds of our children and youth to reject all posi...