How They Will Reduce Humans by 95%

(Pic source below) " Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature ." Georgia Guidestones When people read this goal on the Georgia Guidestones they often are perplexed as to how, without a major cateclysm. you could erradicate 95% of the world's population. Yet it is more than plausible that they could reach this goal, without having to resort to brute force. How? If they are patient, here is a strategy, set forth in a fictional encounter between a social engineer and his young apprentice. Social engineer (SE): "Well, you have looked over our plans to save earth and restore it to a sustainable population of half a billion. What do you think?" Apprentice (A): "It is rather comprehensive. I had no idea this is what my family was preparing me for all these years." SE: "Yes, they have been part of our network for centuries." A: "I still don't get it, how can we get so many young women to not want children? I me...