If You Won't Own Anything, Then Who Will? Technocracy v. Communism. There is a Subtle Difference.


"The theory of communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property" Karl Marx

"You'll own nothing" -- And "you'll be happy about it."  Klaus Schwab 

At first glance, it appears that Marx and Schwab are kindred souls. However, while many people have asserted that the ideas of today's technocratic "elite" are communistic, that may not be entirely accurate.  Marx had a vision of a utopia that would see, at least in theory, humans elevated to an ideal of communal industries run by local communities for the benefit of each other. Yes, I know, as Freud noted in "Civilization and its Discontents" socialism sounds great, but it runs against basic rules of human nature in its assumptions.  Collectivism just doesn't work within a secular, societal, context. However, what many technocrats envision for our future could be labeled as "techno-feudalism" and, while its assumptions may also run against human ideals of freedom and dignity, with modern and emerging technology, it could lead to a future that makes Orwell's "1984" look like a charming paradise. 

Author's note: Please check out the links at the bottom to both my YouTube channel and one of my related published works. Thanks. 

Okay, so what could possibly make the nightmare of communist experiments since 1917 seem like a walk in the park if technocracy evolves to its likely conclusion? Simple, technology.  In Orwell's famous work, Winston wakes up to an interactive TV screen that monitors him at home. Big Brother is everywhere, home, in the city, and at work. Yet one can still go off into a corner, or travel outside the city, to get some sense of privacy.  That may be impossible in the future.

Technocratic folk promise us a great opportunity in the future where the human body is no longer entirely organic.  There will be a merging of technology and humans with such innovations as health monitors that can signal problems to your health provider, as well as create optimal treatments taylored for your DNA, neural connections that may enhance your cognitive abilities, and even the ability to have nano-robotic devices injected into your blood stream to fix problems from the inside-out.  Cool, huh? If there were adequate safeguards and control at the local level.

Sorry, it will either be government or huge corporations that control this technology.

What could be a problem is that such technology could take social-credit score concerns to a whole new level. First, your location will be known at all times, as well as who you associate with - heck, even who you are being intimate with. Second, knowing everything about you physiologically as well as perhaps psychologically, would turn you into a mechanism to those who would control this information (giant corporations, government, both working together?). Third, who wouldn't want the ability to learn Chinese from downloading the language into your brain? Yet what safeguards exist that would prevent the owner of the program from downloading more than just a new language? 

Another concern relates to humans and society.  If we all become cyborgs then how long before we resemble various insect communities where the hive goes about its work, while directed by an elite? In communism a government uses persuasion to get its objectives, and it that doesn't work, brute force.  That still enables one to fight back or flee. Not so if you have been assimilated into a techno-collective. It is hard to escape if your body and mind are integrated directly into whatever mechanism is employed to direct such a society. Here are more detailed concerns discussed:

As for property, the whole "you will own nothing" idea, the proper question should be, who will own homes, transportation, clothing, food production, etc? People don't just come together to produce things or provide services. Someone has to be in control.  In communism, the stated ideal was that the people would own the means of production.  In a technocracy, it would presumably be trans-national corporations.  It would be a dystopian world where choice would be limited to what the corporate elite, and the government, in cooperation with them, would deem acceptable for the population to have. Of course, as in any heirarchical structure, there will be those within the control matrix, professionals who serve them, and then the commoners.  I would doubt the latter would find themselves blessed with anything akin to what the more privileged top-of-the-pyramid people will have.

So what would life be like if you were part of the privledged class?  It would probably look like "Brave New World" with all sorts of technological wonders at your disposal, luxury and even genetic enhancement.  The commoners? Forget the idea of everyone having an electric car - that is a myth to get people used to phasing out gas-powered autos, that's all.  People will live in mega-cities, in cubical apartments, and an income based on what you are determined to be eligible for by some agency.  Nature access? Aside from urban parks, no. You will have no car as they will be a commodity of the wealthy. This will all be done for the good of preservation of natural habitat.  It will be okay, because you will have virtual reality that will enable you to see what people in the past visited.  Remember, you will be happy, right?

So what about family?  Birth rates today are crashing. This will continue into the future.  As the economy shifts, marriage is becoming something of an upper-class thing.  As the percentage of single women grows, the popularity of donor insemination will grow.  You will probably see women form either poly-amorous marriages, same-sex arrangements, or just go it alone.  In the past 80% of women reproduced, but only 40% of males.  In a couple of generations you might see only 20% of males reproduce, or even fewer. But hey, these single men will have sex robots, virtual reality and such to keep them happy.  And after women get used to going to the doctor to get pregnant the next step will be artificial genetic enhancement.  

Of course not everyone who supports the coming technocracy support all elements of the social evolution I have presented, but the foundations of this new industrial revolution (the tools being incorporated into us rather than us holding tools) will indeed lead to a two-tiered society, less individual freedom, a continuing wealth transfer to the mega-rich; and a total restructuring of the social order in ways more profound than anything in our history.  So is all lost? No. We must inform people of what is being planned for them.  Technology will progress, there is no stopping that, but a technocratic future can and must be averted.

Please check my YouTube channel out. I will be posting new videos soon on these topics. So make sure to subscribe:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3XJz3ZkzIW5sjpaaX3pp2Q


  1. Man oh man...brilliant...I've been watching closely, this evolving dynamic for many, many years...and now (due to some strange "flip" even, gladly noticed and outlined by investigative journalist Glenn Grennwald) even some enlightened conservatives are now (and have been since 2016) many of the same things which enlightened liberals were questioning back in the 1970's, '80's and 90's) regarding deep state corruption, power, intrusion and surveillance...I also noticed the miswording and use of the euphamism "communism" but could not internally feel or get the more accurate term and application...THIS IS PERFECT...A great analysis ! A form of clever but creeping "inclusive national socialist state-ism" but cleverly applied without the Swatztika or Hammer & Sicle (or Red Star)...It is exactly what President Kennedy stated and warned us, about in 1961 in his very closing comments in a speech to the Editors of American Newspapers And Magazines, shortly after the Bay of Pigs CIA debacle/ attempted duping of JFK.

    1. You can better reach me/ find me on my FB timeline page --David T. Krall (look for the Groucho Marx icon)...I've been researching "this stuff" for a very long time. Some "want" or feel the need to "save" us by claiming to make the country better...but deep down are duplicitous Macavellian, control freaks. whom our Founding Fathers warned us about "as false prophets" and "trojan horses".


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