The Real Problem is Too Few Children Being Born

Author's note:  Please check the links to my YouTube channel and published works at the end of the article.

"Assuming there is a benevolent future with AI, I think the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse."  Elon Musk

The above quote comes from an article on CNBC titled, "Elon Musk and Jack Ma agree: The biggest problem the world will face is population collapse." (9/3/19)  "But wait" you may ask, "Isn't the population growing too fast for sustainability?" We hear alarmists say we need to get young people, particularly in western nations and the USA, to stop having kids for the sake of the environment.  The alternative, they say, is human overpopulation and environmental disaster.  Yet it appears they are taking a complex issue and making assumptions that don't really fit reality.

First, at least in reference to developed nations, population is going up, but this is because we are finding better ways to keep people alive.  Ironically, we are not doing so well at creating new, young, life that will eventually replace the elderly.  And the situation is going to get worse, not better.

Even Utah, which is heavily Mormon, has now slipped below the minimal replacement birthrate.  If a group of people who until recently placed a premium on marriage and raising children are not replacing themselves biologically, then we certainly have a problem.

No western nation is replacing itself, and many intermediate nations have also slipped into this trend.  Why?  Well, infertility has increased in men in recent years but certain economic and, more importantly, social factors have pushed down the birthrate.  Of course people feel anxiety in an economy that is uncertain, but there have always been risks involved in one's life; in generations past people accepted the risks and had families anyway - those that didn't are nobody's ancestors today.  So what are some of the problems that need to be addressed if we are to turn this problem around?

First, we have to get past the notion that two children should be the limit for families.  That has been pushed in society so long that it is a fundamental truth in most people's minds.  Yet two kids as a limit will generally lead to genetic extinction of a family, and in a broader sense a society.  Why?  Well, what about all the people who never marry? What about the ones who do marry and one of the partners is infertile?  What about those who form same-sex relationships? What about mortality? What about those who just flat out hate the idea of having children?  We have always had people who fall into these categories, but there were enough people having three or more kids to replace them.  If two is a hypothetical couple's limit then it is easy to imagine one child being infertile, then the other one never choosing to marry.  That ends the family line in one generation. Many others might end in the second, or third or maybe forth generation, but, statistically speaking, most will end.

Second, our consumer culture has brainwashed the masses into seeing children as an economic liability.  If one says they want to save up to buy a luxury car then everyone will encourage you. However, if you say you want to have a third child after the birth of your second all you will get is cautionary warnings from friends and family.  We have prioritized career, wealth, fashion, etc. over creating families that will pass down our culture and traditions.  Of course in the end such a mindset will put an end to one's culture, traditions and genetic line.

Third, there has been an acceleration of the "Save the planet, don't have kids" propaganda machine. It is rather ironic that birthrates have never been so low in developed nations, but apparently, any births is too much to some people.  It is as though Freud's theory of thanatos is correct in some people; that is, they feel the life instinct is too much and it is time to just end it, at least on a societal or even species level.  Nihilism appears to fit into this mindset...a sense of meaninglessness...why have kids if life is so pointless?  Ironic that getting other people to have no kids as well gives a sense of purpose to some, in that the goal, as Freud would at least note on an individual level, is ending the fight for preservation.  Dismantle humanity and return earth to nature.

Forth, and maybe even most important, is the loss of connection to religion.  People who are religious have a stronger sense of purpose than those who are entirely secular.  It is no surprise that religious people have more children.  Yet in recent years men, especially young men, have found less appeal of religion.  Many young men fail to see how it fulfills their lives. This sense of disconnection may be one of the reasons Dr. Jordan Peterson has such a following in this demographic - his message is one of purpose and meaning based on psychology, tradition and self-determination.  Religious leaders might benefit by spending some time examining what they can incorporate from him in their messages.

Fifth, and related to the above, Christianity has sought to not offend, to blend in, to conform to society while being connected to the Bible. However, that is akin to sticking a USB with an infected program into your hard drive and then wondering why your computer is not acting the way you wanted it.  Few preachers, ministers or bishops would dare to quote the Bible where it encourages people to have large families.  They fear offending some people in the flock. So where does the congregation get its messages on how to live? The same place as those who do not go to church - movies, schools, media, groups that have an agenda and peers.  No wonder their marriage and divorce rates, as well as birth rates, mirror the general public, or are fast on their way to getting there.

So how do we turn this around?  I am not sure it is possible on a societal level as the forces marshaled against marriage and family are so pervasive.  I do think on an individual, family, and community level one can educate others and create a positive atmosphere that encourages marriage, family and more children being born.  I also believe we can pressure religious institutions to get back into encouraging a more traditional attitude on these issues as well as reinforcing those who choose to stand against societal pressure and have more children.

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