
Showing posts from 2020

Will Corona Virus Be the Beginning of the End of Our Rights?

Editor's note:  Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel and check out links to published works at the end of this article. "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face - forever." George Orwell "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain temporary security will deserve neither and lose both."  Benjamin Franklin A question: If closing down any/most economic activity, social gathering (including religious services) and restricting people to home quarantine would save ten million American lives, if a disease were raging similar to the Spanish Flu, would it be justified? I believe most people would say yes.  Okay, what if it would same one million? Again, probably most people.  So how about a quarter-million? One hundred thousand? Fifty thousand? Well, how about ten thousand? During this Corona virus outbreak we have seen Democrat governors grind the economy to a halt, as well as impose restrictions o...

The Perfect Authoritarian Citizen. He Wants You to Conform to His Image.

"Intolerance of Ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality."                                                                                                                   Theodor Adorno This is a hypothetical interview with a person who has an authoritarian personality, that is, he wants more rules imposed so the world will be, well, a more orderly place.  The Corona virus has really shown us that many regula...

The Real Problem is Too Few Children Being Born

Author's note:  Please check the links to my YouTube channel and published works at the end of the article. " Assuming there is a benevolent future with AI, I think the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse. "  Elon Musk The above quote comes from an article on CNBC titled, "Elon Musk and Jack Ma agree: The biggest problem the world will face is population collapse." (9/3/19)  "But wait" you may ask, "Isn't the population growing too fast for sustainability?" We hear alarmists say we need to get young people, particularly in western nations and the USA, to stop having kids for the sake of the environment.  The alternative, they say, is human overpopulation and environmental disaster.  Yet it appears they are taking a complex issue and making assumptions that don't really fit reality. First, at least in reference to developed nations, population is going up, but this is because we are finding...