Mainstream Media 2019: Objectivity No Longer Exists

"If you do not read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed."    Mark Twain

During 2018 almost 90% of coverage in the mainstream media was negative towards President Trump.  It is as if people working for the corporate media wake up in the morning with the goal of using their position and power to discredit Trump and to portray those who support him in the most dishonest context as possible. Who ever thought they would see the day that the media would have less objectivity than the propaganda organs portrayed in George Orwell's classic, "1984?"

Sadly, media greatly influences perception.  As Malcolm X noted, "The media is the most powerful entity on earth.  They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." Too many people turn on the TV, or go to a website of a powerful news publication, and they expect what they see/read to be true.  There is a massive amount of social conditioning involved in shaping this starting from birth.  And while a growing number of informed people are beginning to see the that they cannot trust the corporate media, the powers-that-be will stubbornly resist the dismantling of the facade of trust that allows them to manipulate the masses.

As an author of psychological thrillers and science fiction (please check the links below) one can see how easy it is to get a message across by changing just one word in a sentence, or leaving an important point out of a story, or making sure the available alternatives are limited.  These are tactics quite recognizable in most mainstream media today. Again, a reference to Orwell, he noted that all art is propaganda.  It is impossible to be totally free of bias or intent when creating a narrative of any kind; it is just that now the media doesn't even pretend to be fair or to try to be the least bit objective.

One ray of hope, in regards to communicating ideas, offered to the public was social media but even that has ceased to be as fair as it was.  One can easily see how conservative ideas are relegated to "memory hole" in regards to being able to share them as opposed to the ease in sharing liberal sites and perspectives.  No left-leaning person I have spoken to has experienced being punished or censored on social media platforms, but I have met many conservatives who have. Some people on the left can spew forth venom of all sorts but be careful if you are conservative - you are under the proverbial microscope.

This should not discourage people - quite the opposite; people should re-double their efforts at reaching out. The media derives its power from a false sense of trust coupled with a massive technological advantage in reaching the infrastructure that has taken decades to build and billions of dollars. Then again, with enough people becoming actively engaged in exposing truth, as well as methods used to deceive the population, that power can be greatly diminished.

So how to do this? Reach out with your own original content, create videos,blogs and share with friends and family; and see your job as a missionary of truth.  If you need any motivation then please consider where the left wants to take this country, and that means you and your loved-ones.  It sure ain't a pretty future, quite the opposite, it is a bleak dystopia with a powerful state that will be more than happy to punish you for exercising freedoms of speech and religion that most people take for granted now.  Of course that is not what they tell you as they lead you to the meat grinder. They sell you the trip as if it will not only be fun to jump into the feed inlet, it will prove how willing you and your loved-ones are to atone for whatever made-up feelings of guilt they will implant into your minds.

Your choice, act now or embrace your dystopian destiny.

Speaking of "destiny," if you are interested in a dystopian science fiction thriller set in the era of Noah, then by all means check this out:

And what if you had a female vigilante serial killer elected to congress who winds up forced to join a secret society that runs the nation from behind the scenes?  Well...


  1. "One can easily see how conservative ideas are relegated to "memory hole" in regards to being able to share them as opposed to the ease in sharing liberal sites and perspectives. No left-leaning person I have spoken to has experienced being punished or censored on social media platforms, but I have met many conservatives who have. Some people on the left can spew forth venom of all sorts but be careful if you are conservative - you are under the proverbial microscope."-------Indeed!

  2. See the blog rick-beyondtheveil.blogspot


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