Trump's Message is Positive Nationalism/Patriotism

" Our secret weapon is nationalism. To have nationhood, which is a sign of maturity, is greater than any weapon in the world. " Ho Chi Minh While I am not in the habit of quoting those who led wars against US soldiers, I find it interesting that the left condemns Donald Trump for saying he is a nationalist, while they never condemn someone like Ho for praising nationalism. Maybe Trump intentionally used the term to trigger the left to lash out at nationalism, and expose their underlying contempt for American patriotism and belief in sovereignty. Nationalism is not racism, in fact far from it. The nationalism that grew out of Europe, particularly in the 19th Century, was an attempt by governments to unify their peoples DESPITE regional, religious and ethnic differences within the national boundaries they controlled. The nation-state in the more modern sense attempts to draw people's allegiance to symbols, ideals, and c...