Standing for Truth in an Age of Manipulation.

“Two percent of the people think; three percent of the people think they think; and ninety-five percent of the people would rather die than think.” 

George Bernard Shaw

There is a culture war and sadly the conservative or "right wing" has lost lost a lot of ground in our culture.  Now hey, don’t give up or be discouraged; the right is down, but not out. However, this is a war for the mind, body and spirit of the American people and in order to re-gain what has been lost we need to counteract the gains the left and the powers-that-be have made since in recent years. And yes, there are ways to do it. So you want to win? Do you? Well, let's get started.

Edward Bernays, the father of modern advertising, who applied his Uncle Sigmund Freud’s discoveries on how the sub-conscious mind works, recognized that most people merely absorb the norms and values of their culture without critical analysis, without questioning, and without challenge. Of course, neither Shaw nor Bernays could have imagined how technology would make the task of shaping society so much easier than in their day; yet the left did, and they have taken advantage of media, entertainment (from children’s cartoons to sit-coms) and academia to redefine our nation’s values.  As I noted in my book “The Destiny of Our Past” (Link: ) the elite can use such innovations like a leash on a dog to guide the masses in the directions they want, while most will believe they, like the dog, are the ones in charge.

So how can we counteract the influences, the “mind control,” so to speak, that has swept over our culture? How can we stand up to the vast corporate-entertainment-political collective unconsciousness that seeks to convert us to their new world order and outlook? Well, first we need to recognize how they manipulate us. Once that is accomplished we need to work on exposing their mind manipulation so our children, parents, relatives, and people we fellowship with can be immunized against it. 

Here are the basic methods of manipulation employed by the powers-that-be:

  • Playing on guilt.   This has always been a favorite of those in power. As I have dealt with before the emotion of guilt starts out in the child when we believe our parents are perfect; friends of God. We feel bad when we disappoint them. We fear losing their love if we transgress their wishes. Later we project these feelings onto the society we grow up in as it becomes an extension of our parents. This is why people feel guilt when they do something they believe is against the rules, even though they had no direct connection to making those rules, or often in some act that someone deems that they should feel guilty for. Collective guilt is a powerful weapon in the hands of those who know how to use it to their advantage.
  • Insecurity. This relates to the first two. As the studies by Solomon Asch demonstrated, people are more confident of a decision supported by a group than a single individual, and even if they know the group is wrong they are reluctant to voice a dissenting point of view. Ever found yourself in a class in which the teacher presents an opinion and everyone appears to agree? How many times did you wish you had said something but chose not to? It was uncomfortable, wasn’t it? The same concept applies to marketing clothing or even political opinions. People generally don’t want to stand out, to have to defend a radically different choice, and advertisers, politicians and the media know that. That is why what is “polite” is carefully framed in a given society.
  • Maintaining a state of fear. This is perfect for insuring mind control. When we are scared we are likely to support whoever promises to keep us safe. Think of a small group of people thousands of years ago sitting around a campfire. Suddenly they hear the roar of lions in the dark. One, maybe not the brightest, maybe not the most likable, jumps up and grabs a spear and demands that the men do as he says because everyone knows he once killed a lion. When scared they put their trust in him. Everyone agrees to make him leader. However, after a few days there has been no sign of lions. Our lion-killer notes that people are losing their desire to obey his orders, and the younger women are no longer paying as much attention to him. So he goes out and kills a small deer, mangles it and puts it near some old lion tracks. When others discover the scene they run back and report that the lions are back. The lion-killer is made permanent leader and protector. Of course we are too smart to fall for such a thing today, right? Well, turn on the TV and see what dominates our corporate news programs. Our population is in a perpetual state of fear and that is why we have seen overall compliance with an erosion of civil liberties since 2001.  And aside from political aspects of fear it is also a basic foundation of modern consumerism; fear of not being pretty enough, rich enough or successful enough. Of course Madison Avenue has a way to ease the pain…buy acceptance, buy symbols of wealth, and make sure to listen to “experts” and celebrities who will tell you what you need to do to not be left out or behind.
  • Finally: Appeal to animal or survival instincts. Look at modern advertising today, sex does indeed sell. One does not need to be a devotee of B.F. Skinner to see how products are marketed. Products from hamburgers to beer are associated with sex. It is called classical conditioning and it is very effective in getting us to buy products that satisfy a sub-conscious need because we have been told the product is associated with the thirst to satisfy the instinctive drive. Of course governments and political organizations can merely appeal to survival needs by “educating” the population that unless they follow a certain course of action then their basic well-being is at stake, or the rulers can take credit for the living standards of the people and warn that if they are thrown out of power then prosperity will be in.
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Overall mind control and manipulation is not a process of turning a population into the easily controlled zombies of 1950s movies, before zombies transformed into out-of-control eating machines. It actually involves creating a compliant populace of people who behave as the society wishes, conform to the wishes of the dominant elite and dare not think or act outside the “polite” parameters which are defined by education, the media and reinforced by peers.  As Shaw states, only a few people dare to “think” and sadly it has become more difficult to do so in today’s media saturated society. However, we do have tools such as social media at our disposal that can be employed to counter this control. So are we willing to put forth the effort? If you are part of the 2% then perhaps it is your duty to stand up for truth while you still can. 

If you like this article please share on social media.  Also, if you like stimulating science fiction that, while set in the era of Atlantis and Noah, is pertinent to what is developing today then check out "The Destiny of Our Past."


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