How the Left has Weaponized Guilt to Achieve Their Ends.

Guilt: “ A bad feeling caused by knowing or thinking that you have done something bad or wrong. ” “ You are an educator and educators are the most guilt-ridden people on earth. It is time for you to break your life pattern…demand from the cosmos what you deserve…” William Livingston, “ The Destiny of Our Past ” Well, the former quote is Webster’s definition of guilt. I believe most people think guilt hurts, but serves a higher purpose; even Freud said that guilt is what kept society together as it caused people to feel bad if they did something contrary to the established norms of society. However, while it may be that it does serve as a “policeman in the head” of the average person; it can be taken to pathological levels and used to control society beyond just maintaining the notion of not hurting others. Guilt stifles us, chains us and prevents us from acquiring the goals we otherwise might attain. It is a mechanism we must understand in order to ha...