Erasing A People's History is the First Stage of Enslaving a Culture or Nation.

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."
Marcus Garvey

Today’s consumeristic society, largely driven by pride, greed and envy, appears on the outside as the apex of human achievement. Who doesn’t get a feeling of awe gazing from a hillside vista over the lights of Los Angeles on a dark night? If man is the measure of all things, and we have been able to create such an advanced economic, technological network that encompasses the whole world in the form of globalistic almost-living extension of human creativity and endeavor then, in some respects, it seems absurd to question where we are, and where we are going, by proposing that we must strive to re-connect with our ancestral traditions and spiritual insights. However, I indeed advance this idea…and suggest we will be healthier and better suited not only to endure in this phase of civilization, but progress to even greater heights, while preserving our freedoms. 

I addressed this concept of pride in technology and material wealth in my book, “The Destiny of Our Past” (in which the pre-flood dystopian world of Noah provokes God through misuse of bio-technology as well as an obsession with violence.  The ruling elite also re-write the common-people’s past while revering their own within their educational institutions and temples.  The power derived through connection to ancestors is strong – and that is why totalitarian governments have always sought to control people’s knowledge and history since the beginning of creation.  Editor's note: The book will soon be re-released. 

So whether our history is missing a few important details of what happened back then or not, we either had to start over from scratch after a near-global destruction or we started out from scratch.  Whatever occurred from that point to today is what allowed us to acquire the comforts we now enjoy.

And look at us today; we may take pride in our technical society, and even assume we, as humans, have evolved into something more advanced than our ancestors, but we haven’t.  There are still tribes of people deep in the Amazon rainforest who live a stone-age existence. Take a well-educated, trendy urban professional man or woman, strip them naked, and insert them into that tribe and they will be no different than those people, in fact they will be at a disadvantage as they would have to be taught how to acquire food and protect themselves from predators.  The point here is that we have what we see now as advanced technology, but we are still the same creatures that ultimately depend on the same things as our ancestors – food, shelter…and social connection.

We are increasingly becoming isolated, and who could wonder why when consumeristic society itself creates a conformity, a goal of a culturally homogeneous global population united in the quest…well…of money and status?  We no longer have meaningful rituals that initiate us into the tribe, which ultimately is an extension of the extended family. Marriage is stubbornly clinging on as a connection to another person but even that is difficult to maintain if men and women adopt the “trade-in” mentality towards even relationships. Is it any wonder that marriage rates, and thus birth rates, are at an all-time low in western nations – and on the decline?  And in Japan we even see the emergence of “herbivore men” who are generally young and have given up on seeking long-term relationships with women.  This social phenomenon is catching on in Europe and the USA as well with many people choosing gaming or pornography to fill up their non-working time, or seeking short-term flings.

One wonders, is this all just an organic aspect of our society in general or is there a force behind it, pushing us in these directions? Some applaud the idea of a non-culture culture so as to create what they think will be a more peaceful world. On the other hand there are those who feel that once connection to tradition is broken then the inevitable reduction in birthrates would be a good thing – why not phase people out, they ask…robots can replace them. 

One really can get the idea that all of the attacks on our traditions really are a conspiracy; a conspiracy of elite who, while not meeting in some dark room, merely share the same goals and use their influential positions to make them come to pass. 

Never forget: there is strength in knowledge of who you are. And those who would want to re-shape humanity know that to accomplish their aims they must erase that knowledge.

Our ancestors knew the value of family, of respect for traditions that bonded people together, of looking to ancestral knowledge, and finally of the spiritual connection people can gain through being in nature. Strange we now have psychological experts telling us that spending time alone in nature is an incredible way to improve our psychological well-being and our physical health. People in the distant past knew that without even having a degree in medicine or psychology.
Our ancestors also desperately clung to their past because they knew it helped them survive the present and look forward to the future.  We need to re-connect to that tradition. 

In conclusion maybe it is time to listen to the whispers of those who are in our genetic chain-of-life, of the spirits of the forests, oceans and deserts. Sometimes “modern” society drowns them out, but if we learn to listen we will be stronger in all aspects of life; now and into the future.
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  1. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  2. Am old enough to remember learning from my elders about life and being in nature with family and friends . It was a whole different world than what we live in now.


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