Is the Media Even Pretending to be Fair With Their Coverage of President Trump?
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” Mark Twain Many of us grew up with the message that the US media was ethical; seeking the truth and informing the public. The assumption was that there were dedicated reporters out there competing with each other to expose corruption, make sure voters knew the good and bad about political figures and that overall honesty was a prerequisite in the “4 th Estate.” Today polls show trust in the media at an all-time low. And recent coverage of Donald Trump illustrates why the media doesn’t deserve any respect. Before I go into how Trump has been given despicable treatment by the corporate media I would like to point to a scene in my book “ The Destiny of Our Past ” Set in the distant past a group of Noah’s followers are gunned down by government security forces. This is witnessed by corporate media heads but they spin the story t...