Standing for Truth in an Age of Manipulation.

“Two percent of the people think; three percent of the people think they think; and ninety-five percent of the people would rather die than think.” George Bernard Shaw There is a culture war and sadly the conservative or "right wing" has lost lost a lot of ground in our culture. Now hey, don’t give up or be discouraged; the right is down, but not out. However, this is a war for the mind, body and spirit of the American people and in order to re-gain what has been lost we need to counteract the gains the left and the powers-that-be have made since in recent years. And yes, there are ways to do it. So you want to win? Do you? Well, let's get started. Edward Bernays, the father of modern advertising, who applied his Uncle Sigmund Freud’s discoveries on how the sub-conscious mind works, recognized that most people merely absorb the norms and values of their culture without critical analysis, without questioning, and without challenge. Of course, neither...