Social Learning Theory is What They Employ to Turn Your Children Against Your Values

"Most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling from others." Albert Bandura So what do a plummeting marriage rate, smaller families, less religious affiliation with the young and drag queen performances for children have in common? Simple, they are not trends that originated organically. Once people get this, and how they connect, everything in society today makes sense, but I will deal with that later. What I will cover now is method. How can one reprogram a society out of norms that existed for thousands and thousands of years? Well, there is this thing called "Social Learning Theory" (SLT) that is a very powerful weapon. Yet, what is so elegant of this theory is that it is so simple: What you see is what you interpret as normal and how you should be. Why do we wear clothes? Why do women shave their legs and men their faces? Why don't we eat with our fingers in western culture? Why don't we eat cats? Most people would merely shake ...