Nuclear War is Not an Option, Now or Ever.

Ronald Reagan..."A nuclear war can never be won and must never be fought." Imagine, you are getting up for work, and as you struggle to wake up, you hear a loud noise, akin to thunder. You find that odd, as it was supposed to be a gorgeous day. You open the curtains and the weather looks great, sunshine, blue sky and all. You sort of forget the sound, but then you notice the electricity isn't working. You look out the kitchen window and to your horror, a mushroom cloud, way off over the city, your destination for work that day, is rising into the sky. You realize life as you have always known it is over. A few years ago I interviewed noted physician Dr. Helen Coldicott, who has made it a mission to warn people of the dangers of nuclear weapons, as well as the notion that a nuclear war could be won. Today's headlines surrounding Ukraine warrent revisiting her warnings. What I found most intriguing about Dr. Coldicott’s interview was her observation that there are m...