Covid: A Religion for the Faithless Buried in Doubt and Confusion.
Not that many people have heard of August Compte, but in between being in and out of mental institutions he wrote extensively on the mechanisms of society. He would later be recognized as the father of sociology. He was not religious, but he felt society needed a religion, something that transcended the individual in purpose. His idea? Create a secular substitute to unite the masses and give them meaning. His suggestion gained little traction, but now, in the first quarter of the 21st Century, perhaps a little virus is setting the stage for a new, secular, religion that worships a form of science, but nevertheless has the appearance of a religion. Let's call our religion "follow the science." It is a vague title, but to its followers it is life itself. * In this new religion, the threat is akin to Satanic, or perhaps demonic, possession. Yet in this case the virus is what can "possess" you at any time. Get too close to someone, don't take precautions, an...