If the Social Contract Continues to be Ignored by the Powers-That-be, Society Cannot Endure.
" Man is a moral being only because he lives in society. Let all social life disappear, and morality will disappear with it ." Emile Durkheim As sociological pioneers go, Emile Durkheim is one of my favorites. His work centered on the importance of family, religion and social bonds. He saw the correlation between social pathologizes and a lack of connection to important institutions that gave life meaning. He also stressed the importance of society working through cooperation, similar to the social contract spoken of by Locke and Rousseau. The reason I make reference to Durkheim you ask? Well, without a sense of social connection a society cannot survive. The importance of this metaphysical agreement between individuals, families, networks, and eventually between people and government cannot be ignored, but apparently the powers-that-be in today's western societies have decided they no longer need to follow this contract between equals because, in their minds, power i...