If You Won't Own Anything, Then Who Will? Technocracy v. Communism. There is a Subtle Difference.

"The theory of communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property" Karl Marx "You'll own nothing" -- And "you'll be happy about it." Klaus Schwab At first glance, it appears that Marx and Schwab are kindred souls. However, while many people have asserted that the ideas of today's technocratic "elite" are communistic, that may not be entirely accurate. Marx had a vision of a utopia that would see, at least in theory, humans elevated to an ideal of communal industries run by local communities for the benefit of each other. Yes, I know, as Freud noted in " Civilization and its Discontents " socialism sounds great, but it runs against basic rules of human nature in its assumptions. Collectivism just doesn't work within a secular, societal, context. However, what many technocrats envision for our future could be labeled as "techno-feudalism" and, while its assumptions may also ru...