The Propganda Machine You Invited Into Your Home

" There's no denying television is one of the most powerful propaganda media we've ever invented ." Jim Fowler: zoologist and TV host ("Wild Kingdom") Imagine you come home one day and you discover a couple of "missionaries" in your living room teaching your children. No, they are not, for instance, Mormons sharing a religious message but instead represent a liberal organization that wants your children to question their parent's faith, values, morality and even tells them their very heritage is corrupt and evil. What would your reaction be? Get them refreshments, ignore or toss them out? This is not really all that hypothetical a situation because you likely invite them in every day and place them in the center of the living room. That's right, the reference is to television. Look over a typical neighborhood anywhere in the western world. What is the common feature in almost every home? That's right, a television. And the ...