Why Politicians And Media Lie, And Why So Many Still Trust Them.

" As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely upon authority, there is no end to our troubles. " Bertrand Russell Even some of the more left-leaning people I know are exhausted with the whole conspiracy theory of "Russian influence" in our elections being packaged and repackaged by the mainstream media. Of course the media is not solely the blame; there are more than a few self-serving politicians from both parties more than willing to play with innuendo (lies) to further their own agendas. Yet while many peope can see through this there are many others, especially those who are politically less-informed, who will accept these allegations as true. So why is that? Why do people trust politicians and media pundits at face value rather than employ analysis and skepticism? Sadly, while many of the elite are inclined to twist the truth, or lie outright, to gain an objective a large percentage of the public are just as inclined to put trust in th...