
Showing posts from November, 2017

What Defines Conspiracy? Oh, And Do They Exist?

Conspiracy:  “The activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal.” Cambridge Dictionary Since the entrance of the internet onto the center stage of human consciousness the term “conspiracy” has mushroomed. What used to be the domain of small groups (left and right wing), and what used to be topics one might find in a newsletter left on a campus table, or leaflet in front of a post office, are now topics that captivate the minds of…well, just about everyone. Just ask a 14 year-old what they think of “the Illuminati.” They will probably at least know about the eye of providence or even something about various fraternal societies.  Many people have views that deviate from the standard 9-11 narrative. And who could forget the “vast right wing conspiracy” term created by Hillary in the 1990s, and now replaced with allegations of sneaky Russians hiding under our beds and downloading pro-Trump memes on our computers when we aren’t looking? S...

The Roots and Dangers of Today's "Political Correctness" Movement.

“If even one American, who has done nothing wrong, is forced by fear to shut his mind and shut his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. ”    Harry S. Truman “ Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves .”     Carl Jung Imagine this scene: An obese woman walks into the doctor. He does a routine checkup and advises her that she should lose some weight. Rather than consider the merits of his advice, upon leaving she posts a question on a far-left forum asking if she can report him to any authorities for “fat shaming.”   Yes, real people have done this. Fortunately we are not at the stage that giving sound medical suggestions are banned by law, but please consider that there are people who would like this to be done. It sounds absurd, but so are many other thigs done or advanced in the name of “politically correctness.”  This should alarm all citizens.   We cherish the ideals of freedo...