
Showing posts from October, 2017

Will We Soon Merge With the Machines We Create?

"Fully functional limb replacements, enhanced eyesight, and hearing augmentations will be widely avalable." Potential developments: "Global Trends 2030.  Today’s youth can barely comprehend the world their parents grew up in; a world without Google searches, personal computers, smart-phones or for that matter the internet.   A question often shared by parents is that their child has asked, “What did people do to find information for school in your days?” Might the question our children’s children will ask be, “What was life like without robots?” and their children’s children may ask, “When will I get to trade in my body like you and mom have?”   Yes, the industrial revolution will next be focused on making us not only compatible with robots but also making us into robots…well, at least cyborgs.  I read a recent article in The Guardian” on October 10, 2017 titled, “Call for athletes to be fitted with microchips in fight against drug cheats” in ...